Chapter 10

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George woke up the next morning due to the ruckus coming from the kitchen. With a sigh he got out of bed, dragging his feet to see what all the fuss was about.

"Dream, you're doing it wrong!" Sapnap yelled at the blonde, who was trying to to make some pancake batter.

"Leave me alone Sapnap... hey, do you smell that?" Dream asked as the smell of smoke came from one of the pans.

"The eggs!" the raven head yelled and ran over to take it off the stove, but he tripped over his feet on the way there. Luckily, George got to it before the fire alarm triggered.

Calmly the brunette lifted the pan up and turned off the flames, he then proceeded to scrape the semi-burnt food out of the pan and onto a plate. When he was done, he turned to face the sheepish Beta and Alpha.

"What are you doing? Did no omega come in today?" George asked in a tired voice.

"Antfrost stopped by, but we told him that we wanted to try and cook breakfast," Dream confessed in a small voice.

George sighed and walked over to the alpha to take the bowl of batter from him, "Go wait in the living room, I'll call you when breakfast is ready."

The pair quickly left the kitchen so the omega could fix the mess that they made.

George stared at the batter Dream made, and noticed that it looked rather odd. So he dipped a clean spoon into it and placed a drop onto his tongue. The omega cringed as the saltiness entered his taste buds.

Oh Goddess! Aiden exclaimed in disgust. What kind of idiot mixes up salt for sugar!

Well he is an alpha... it is extremely rare for an alpha or even a beta to have skills in housekeeping or cooking. George replied as he tried to fix the batter.

When he was done cooking, George called for them and they enjoyed their breakfast in relative silence.

"About the rogues that attacked you..." Dream suddenly stated, making George look at him.

"We tried to question what their motives were, but they refused to tell us anything. Don't worry though, we'll get information out of them sooner or later."

The brunette hummed his reply.

"Any plans for today?" Sapnap asked.

"Just the usual training..." George replied.

"Okay, we'll go together when our meeting is done."

Just then there was a knock at the door. Sapnap went to open it, while George took their now empty plates to the sink.

"Good morning Beta," a monotone voice greeted.

The visitor soon entered the kitchen with Sapnap not far behind. "Good morning Alpha, and you as well Luna." Techno said.

When George heard the last word, he nearly dropped the plate that he was washing.

"Wh-what?" George said in confusion, and Techno tilted his head.

"Aren't you technically the Luna? Since you are mated to the Alpha?" the pink haired man asked.

"Well yes but-"

"We have yet to discuss titles Techno, and we haven't held the required ceremony of presenting our Luna to the pack. Till then you can refer to him by his name." Dream informed his Gamma, who nodded.

George breathed out a sigh of relief. The fact that he was technically the Luna had never crossed his mind so far, and to be honest, the title scared him a little.

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