Chapter 3

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WACK! Followed by some muttering then another WACK!

With each blow that George dealt to the slab of meat on the table in front of him, the rest of the omegas flinched. Normally he wouldn't be on kitchen duty, since there were too many ways he could injure himself, but with the full moon tonight, all omegas were tasked to help prepare food for the party.

George didn't mind at all, his foul mood was rather from what happened earlier concerning a certain blonde and raven head.

Antfrost watched him with an amused smile, the Head of the Omegas was rather used to the brunette's moods.

"George? Honey? Take it easy on that meat, you might just break the table," he stated calmly, but it managed to make George freeze half way through sending another blow.

"Sorry Ant," he told his friend.

"It's fine sweetheart," he answered.

Once George was done with tenderizing the meat he left them on a tray, before checking on the cookies he made earlier. He judged them to be fully bake, so after washing his hands he took them out, and started arranging them on a large platter.

Suddenly one was snatched out of the tray, he twirled around to see who the thief was and smirked.

"Red! Those aren't for you!" Antfrost scolded as he stomped over to his mate, who was happily chewing on the cookie.

"Sorry Love, couldn't help it. George's cooking is the best!" he complemented, shooting George a warm smile.

"Even so! What are you even doing here, don't you have patients?" Antfrost asked his mate, who also happened to be the pack's doctor.

"I'm all done for the day, and thought I could come pick you up so we could start early," Red said wiggling his eyebrows and making Antfrost blush.

The rest of the omegas including George cooed teasingly at their interaction, which only enhanced Antfrost's embarrassment. Taking pity on his friend, George walked up to them and gently pushed Ant towards Red.

"Leave the rest to me Ant, you go on ahead and enjoy the night." he said.

"You sure?" Antfrost asked.

"Yup! Now please get this cookie thief out of the kitchen before he steals another one!" George stated teasingly, as he pointed to Red who was eyeing the rest of the cookies.

Antfrost gave him a quick hug before dragging a whining Red out of the kitchen. George giggle a bit before starting up another batch of treats, he made a mental note to bake a batch for Red sometime.


George placed the last tray of muffins on the long table, and let out a satisfied huff. He looked around and found the other omegas and betas, working together to set up the area for the younger kids. All that remained now where singles and the under age. The mated pairs had already started their passion filled journey for the night.

The brunette turned his eyes to the moon, and sure enough she was slowly rising across the night sky in all her beauty.

"Gosh I'm nervous!" Bad said coming up from behind George and snatching a muffin.

"Relax Bad! Whoever it is will be perfect for you," George insured.

"What are you guys talking about?" another voice spoke up, and the pair turned to see a dark haired man approach them.

"Hey Skeppy! Nothing much actually, just a bit nervous about tonight." Bad stated.

Skeppy, like Bad was one of the pack's warriors and younger than them by a month, so tonight he would be stuck on babysitting duty with Karl.

"Relax man! The Goddess knows what she's doing!" Skeppy assured Bad and the brunette smiled at him.

Just then a chill ran down George's spine, and he looked at Bad who seemed to have felt it too. Aiden started prancing around in George's head in excitement as the moon slowly approached its peak.

"Attention! The run is about to begin, all eligible wolves please gather here!" Dream's voice called.

George rolled his eyes but allowed Bad to pull him to the group.

"Shift!" Dream commanded.

The sound of bones cracking rang clear as they all slowly turned into their wolves. George's pure white coat glistened under the moonlight and his blue eyes shone brightly.


Instincts took over as the group started running along the edge of the pack lands. George slowly felt his senses come alive, and could hear every sound that echoed through the night.

What to take over? He asked Aiden


Yeah, I haven't let you out in a week

Thanks man!

George slowly receded into himself as Aiden took over the reins. He could still see the world around them through Aiden's eyes, but he was no longer in control of their body's movement.

Adien pulled ahead of the pack, eager to feel the cool night breeze against his fur, and leaving the rest in the dust. This was pure bliss, the sense of freedom where no one could tell them what to do with their lives.

As they neared the point from where they started from, Aiden slowed down and handed the reins back to George. George shook out his wolf's thick coat and was about to shift back, when a weak scent of apples and cinnamon wafted pass his nose.

Mate? Aiden said, sounding both excited and confused at the same time.

George just stood there in shock, as the other runners finally caught up to him. His body moved on its on, pulling him towards the alluring smell.

It wasn't that strong, which probably meant that his mate wasn't of age yet, and the brunette strongly hoped that he wouldn't have to wait years to be with his soulmate.

His got distracted for a minute when a wolf came barreling towards Skeppy, and tackled him to the ground. The dark haired man seemed rather surprised as the wolf shifted back to reveal Bad.

"Mate!" the brunette cried, and Skeppy broke into a wide grin.

George smiled, they may have to wait a month for Skeppy to be ready but at least they found each other.

Another scent suddenly attacked his nose mixing with the previous one. This time it smelled like vanilla and purple freesia.

Two mates? Aiden said in confusion as George walked a bit nearer to where both scents were coming from.

When his eyes finally found the sources of the intoxicating scents he felt his heart stop and his jaw fall open.

Oh Fuck!

That Bitch!

As much as he tried, George could seem to tear his eyes away from the blonde and raven head in front of him. Sapnap and Dream were deep in conversation, totally not aware of the panic filling George.

Aiden...I can't... he said in apologetic tone slowly backing away.

Aiden whimpered a bit at his words, but soon steeled himself up and allowed George to run towards the woods, where they would spend the night.

They both knew that their mate bond would make them forget all the hatred they carried for their mates, but they didn't want that. That night they came to an agreement, to keep who their mates were a secret.

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