Chapter 29

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"I missed hearing you laugh," Sapnap said affectionately, as George slowly calmed down from his laughing fit.

George smiled shyly at the comment, and the raven head cupped his cheeks before pecking his forehead.

"We love you George," Sapnap said, as Dream hugged the brunette from behind. "We love you so much," the blonde whispered, planting a kiss to the brunette's temple.

"I love you guys too," the omega whispered, and his mates' faces just lit up with joy.

"We love you, we love you, we love you," the blonde and raven head repeated over and over again, as they covered the brunette's face with tiny kisses.

"Guys," George giggled out, making them stop and look at him with fondness. "How would you like to go on a short vacation, just us three?" he asked. 

The beta and alpha shared a look then started laughing. George quirked an eyebrow, confused on why they reacted this way.

"Would you believe us if we told you, that we were planning to ask you the same thing. We were actually making plans on the way home from checking in on the betas." Dream said.

George smiled and asked them what they had in mind, but they claimed that it was a surprise. The brunette tried to get them to talk but they were stubborn, so he eventually gave up and left them to prepare everything, while he continued with his duties for the day.


George watched in fascination as several dolphins surrounded him, and Dream. One of the dolphins actually swam close enough for the brunette to touch it, and allowed him to cling onto it for a ride.

George eventually came up to the surface for air, and so did Dream.

"How was it Love?" Sapnap asked from the boat.

"It was absolutely wonderful Dear, you should have joined us." the brunette answered, and allowed the raven head to pull him back on board.

"I prefer sharks Georgie, want to join me on the dive tomorrow?" Sapnap asked.

"Sure," George answered, before helping Sapnap pull Dream into the boat.

The trio were finally on their vacation, and they all agreed that they need it. Their parents were more than happy to take care of things while they were gone. So far they've gone sky diving, zip-lining, and bungee jumping, so Dream suggested something a bit more tame for their next activity. George wanted to try swimming with the dolphins, and so here they were.

The trouple decided to headed back to their hotel room to freshen up and rest. While Dream and Sapnap cuddled in bed, and debated on what show to watch on the TV, George excused himself and went into the bathroom.

He looked into the mirror, and let out a deep breath before pulling out an egg shaped vibrator, that he asked Tristan to buy a couple days back. Since the day that they agreed to go on vacation, the trio had shared a couple more kisses. Nothing intense, just sweet and light ones, and let's just say that George was starting to get his libido back.

He was now sexually frustrated, but was too embarrassed to bring it up to his mates. He could practically hear his warlock friend lecturing him about communication, but he managed to push Tristan's voice out of his head.

He had a small bottle of lube, and his enema kit as well. So after cleaning himself up and shaving the hair that had grown back, he stretched himself with his fingers.

Goddess, I've gotten way too tight...

Maybe you should use the plug instead, Aiden suggested

But I want them to have fun too...

You will most definitely regret this decision

Maybe I will, maybe I won't

George then removed his fingers, and slowly inserted the toy. It felt so weird after all this time, but he eventually adjusted. He then walked out and crawled his way up the bed, and into his mates' arms.

"Thank you for being so patient with me," he whispered, and they placed quick kisses to his cheek in response.

"You're welcome George," Dream said.

"I have a little gift for the both of you.'s kind of a gift, but not really..." he trailed off, suddenly getting really nervous.

His mates looked at him curiously as he opened his hand to reveal the remote of the vibrator, but Dream and Sapnap didn't know its use just yet.

"Uh...thanks? What is it for?" Dream asked, while Sapnap took it and curiously pressed one of the buttons.

Instantly the toy came to life, and George squirmed a bit while letting out a surprised shriek.

The Alpha and Beta were wondering why he reacted as so, till it finally clicked in their heads. Their eyes immediately darkened with lust, while their lips were tugged up in mischievous smirks.

George gulp, and Aiden chuckled. Good luck buddy! The wolf said, before blocking himself out to give them privacy.

"Oh George~" Dream called in a seductive voice, as he pulled the omega closer.

The brunette felt Sapnap's hands already groping his ass, and George's face started to heat up in arousal and embarrassment. "Oh Love, you shouldn't rile us up like this, especially after 5 months of abstinence." the beta whispered huskily.

"Are you sure that you are ready for this?" the alpha asked.

George nodded, and the blonde captured his lips in a heated kiss. It was merely a kiss, but it was enough to send chills down the brunette's body to his groin, and a tent soon formed in his pants. It certainly didn't help that Sapnap was sucking on the omega's neck, right where his mark was, and turning the vibrator off and on at the same time.

When the both pulled away, George let out a needy whine of protest. Sapnap then captured his lips, instantly taking control by slipping his tongue into the brunette's mouth and making the latter moan.

"That's enough for now," Sapnap rasped against George's lips, whose eyes were starting to glaze over from lust.

"Yeah, we have reservations for dinner. Plus, there's a little dance party on the beach that we want to attend." Dream added as they both left George panting on the bed, so they could prepare.

The omega groaned in frustration, this is going to be a long night.


Relax ya nasties!

You'll get smut in the next update

This book is coming to a close however...

2 more chapters I think, plus 1 Lore chapter

I'm gonna miss writing DNN and my baby Tristan. It will probably be a while before you will see either again in my works

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