Chapter 24

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Hey guys, I just wanted to thank all of you for being so understanding and patient. I still have a ton of school work to do, so I probably won't be returning to my usual upload schedule anytime soon...

But anyway, here's your weekly update, enjoy!


Chaos, absolute chaos. 

That was the best way to describe what was happening back at the Darkened Moon pack lands.

"Tristan, anything?" Sapnap asked, and the warlock shook his head sadly.

Tristan was currently using his connection with nature to see through the eyes of the many woodland creatures, hoping to find any signs of his brunette friend. Meanwhile Techno, Skeppy, and Bad took three separate teams to comb the woods.

Sapnap sighed then glanced towards the corner of the room, where Dream was currently on the phone with his parents. They had to finally come clean about George being their mate, and that he was pregnant and missing.

Their parents were currently trying their best to head back and help them, but with the bad weather in their area all the flights had been canceled.

After ending the call Dream threw his phone across the room, but Tristan used his powers to levitate it before it hit the floor.

"Fuck!" Dream cursed then plopped down in a chair. Sapnap walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Dream tensed at first to the touch but then relaxed, so the raven head hugged him tight.

"We'll get him back Dream." Sapnap said.

"I'm absolutely pathetic Sapnap, I failed to protect him again. This is the third time that the rogues have gone after him, and this is also the third time that I failed to arrive in time to save him."

"You haven't failed Dream, not yet anyway..." Tristan said making the pair look at him. "You only fail when you decide to give up, you haven't given up yet right?"

Dream sighed, "No."

"Good!" Tristan said, "because I just tracked down his location. So what's the plan Alpha?"

Dream stood up with a determined look on his face, before contacting all the pack warriors to meet in front of the pack house. Once everyone had gathered, Dream made the announcement with Sapnap and Tristan at his side.

"You all have been informed of the situation, and I have good news. Tristan has managed to find George's location."

The warriors let out relieved sighs and cheered.

"We don't know how many enemies we will face when we go to rescue him, and we can't leave the pack defenseless. So we need volunteers to stay behind."

"I'll stay!" Quackity volunteered.

"So will we!" Wlibur, Tommy, and Tubbo added.

"Thank you, now as for who's in charge..."

"Please let me handle the pack Alpha," Philza spoke up, and Dream gave him a nod.

"Contact us if there's an emergency," Dream reminded, and Philza agreed.

Dream then had Sapnap assign the warriors into teams, while Techno spent time chatting to his family. Dream watched from the corner of his eye as Tommy and Tubbo gave the pink haired man a hug, which he eventually returned.

Wilbur gave Techno a pat on the shoulder, while Philza gave his shoulders a little squeeze. "Be safe," Philza reminded and Techno nodded.

"Dream?" Tristan called.

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