Chapter 31

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"Thanks for your help son, I don't think we could have carried all the boxes in without your help. Old age is starting to kick in," Alexander told Dream, who was single-handily carrying in a large box.

"Speak for yourself Alex. I'm still in my prime, and can lift a couple of things without breaking my back." Jeremy stated smugly, as he walked through the door with two medium sized boxes.

The pair were soon engaged in a friendly banter, with Andrew serving as a mediator. In the corner of the room was his mother, who was busy cleaning and arranging things with the help of Catherine and Amanda.

After living at the pack house with them for nearly two years, his parents, along with Sapnap and George's, decided to move into a large house and spend their retirement years together.

Don't get them wrong, they loved their parents and were eternally grateful for their support, especially during the dark period they experienced after George's miscarriage. But it was a bit difficult to do intimate things together with them around. Once everything was moved in, Dream said his goodbyes and headed back home with a smile.


"They're looking great Quackity, your new training regimen is certainly effective." Sapnap commented, as he watched the pack warriors doing mock battles.

In the corner of his eye, he could see Tommy laying down on the ground exhausted, with Technoblade standing over him and mocking him playfully. This enraged the boy, who immediately stood up and tried to attack his big brother, only to ended up back on the floor again. Tubbo on the other hand was getting trained by Wilbur, who was much more gentle with his coaching. Under the shade of a tree stood Philza, who looked over his family affectionately.

This little scene stirred up some longing in Sapnap, and he suddenly wanted to go home to his mates. He lingered a bit longer however, when Karl came around with a couple of plans for renovating the old buildings. He made his own comments, and then said his goodbyes to both the brunette and Quackity.

He had gotten quite close to both Karl and Quackity, and he loved spending time with them, but right now he needed his mates.


"Now calm down Mars, your father will be here soon," George whispered to his fuzzing baby girl.

He carried her downstairs to the backyard porch, where a hammock hung. Inside the hammock was another baby, but this one was a boy.

The boy started giggling when he saw George and his sister, which made the omega smile. "Hello Beckerson, your dad is coming home too."

He laid Mars right next to Beckerson, and the pups cuddled and giggled together for absolutely no reason. George gently swung the hammock, and eventually the twin babies fell asleep.

He smiled at them fondly, before kissing them both on their heads. "Papa loves you..."

He then laid down on the bench right next to the hammock, and let out a deep sigh. He was tired from looking after his pups all day, and actually ended up falling asleep.

He then began to dream about the day that he gave birth to the little bundles of trouble. It seemed like it only happened yesterday, though it has already been a couple of months.

"Breath George breath, you can do this, all you got to do is simply breath in and out," Sapnap encouraged as George tightly gripped onto his hand, while Dream held the other.

"Easier said than done Jerk!" George gritted out.

"George, you have got to calm down," Dream said, before both he and Sapnap yelp out in pain, since the omega's claws were digging into their skin.

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