Lore #2

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This chapter is only for those who have read majority of my books especially LLHG and JU...

Back on the astral plains


The brown haired woman smiled as she glanced over to her right, to see three orbs glowing brightly, with a red string connecting all three of them. One orb was green, the other a blue, and the the last was orange.

She then turned her attention to the dull red orb floating in front of her. She tapped it and a red string stuck to the orb and followed her finger. Then she turned and tapped a dull violet one, effectively connecting the two lives together.

"Perhaps one of the Mafia Aus," she muttered out, and the two newly connected orbs started glowing dimly, before rising up to join the other colorful balls of light above her.

When these two people would be born in their new universe, their orbs would glow just as brightly as the others. The woman crossed her fingers, and hoped that these two souls would find each other without too many issues.

White colored thread then left her finger tips, and she scanned around the area to decide on who these two souls would meet, on their next adventure.

The woman heard someone clapping behind her, and she twirled around then scowled when her eyes met Leon.

"It's always such a beautiful sight to see you at work. You look absolutely stunning when your eyes glimmer with passion and excitement." he commented.

She scoffed, "Since you've failed, you decided to come up here and simp for me, very professional Leon."

"Hey a loss is a loss," he said walking over to the black board, and drawing a tally on her side. The score has changed, and Leon already had three strikes on his side instead of just one.

She turned away from him and decided to continue on her task, when he suddenly appeared right in front of her, making her jump a bit.

"You're rather cute when you get scared." he said sadistically, and she just glared at him.

Leon floated up to the orbs that she had newly connected, and teasingly ran his finger along the red string. "So fragile, it would be so easy to..." he trailed off as he started to pull at the string, making it strain under the pressure.

A cold knife instantly pressed against his back, "Don't even think about it..." the woman said in a cold voice.

"Yesh, you're scary when you're mad Hazel." he said as he back away.

Leon then glanced at the green, blue, and orange orbs floating nearby, and smirked. "Till their next life then," he said with a mock bow, before turning into a raven again and flying away.

"Is he always such an ass?" The Moon Goddess said, popping out from nowhere.

"He takes great pleasure in separating soul mates using any means possible, of course he's an ass." Hazel answered while putting her dagger away. "Thank you for your support though, they managed to finally defeat him thanks to you."

"I didn't expect him to actually appear to Seth in a dream. Leon it a crude man."

"That he is..." Hazel stated. "On a lighter note, Aiden and Derick? Really?" she continued in a teasing tone, making the Moon Goddess blush in embarrassment.

"I told you that I suck at coming up with names!"

"You could have named them anything, and all you did was change their previous names a bit. From Adrien to Aiden and from Fredrick to Derick, like seriously?"

"Oh come on, I had much more important things on my mind. Like making sure those boys don't die under my watch for a third time..." The Moon Goddess claimed, as she motioned over to the three orbs.

"Yes, we did succeed this time, but will we in their next life." Hazel said with in a worried voice, before letting out a sigh. "Well anyway, Adrien and Fredrick got their happy ending, and I'm leaving them in your care from now on."

The Moon Goddess bowed respectfully, then transformed into a white wolf, before magically running on air back to her island.

Hazel gracefully sat down on her bed, as she looked at the many lives around her. "I will do my best to ensure your happy endings..."

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