Chapter 30

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And it certainly was a very long night for George. Sapnap and Dream would take turns controlling the toy, and leave it on for different lengths of time throughout their dinner. Poor George was having a hard time containing his moans, and eating his food. His mates on the other hand, continued to smile as innocently as possible, while they watched the brunette struggle through it all.

At the dance party that followed, George found himself sandwiched between his mates. Dream would grind his erection against his ass, while his and Sapnap's would rub together. They continued to play with the vibrator, till they finally reached their hotel room.

By then George was tired, and incredible horny. They took a shower together, and Dream pulled out the toy, before shoving a finger in.

George moaned loudly, then Sapnap captured his lips in a kiss, before reaching down to stroke the brunette's shaft. The omega soon tensed up, and was about to climax, when Dream and Sapnap pulled away.

"Please... I need to cum." he begged softly.

"In a bit Love," Sapnap replied as he turned the water off, and helped Dream dry George off.

They then laid him down on the bed, where they covered his naked body with kisses.

"What other stuff did you bring George?" Dream asked.

"Just a plug and lube."

Dream hummed, then got off the bed to search through his bag for something. Meanwhile, Sapnap went to grabbed the lube and plug that George mentioned.

The brunette knew that his mates were talking to each other through the mind link. Probably planning on how tonight would play out, so he decided to just relax and trust them.

Dream came back with a box of condoms, and George quirked an eyebrow at it.

"Me and Sapnap have been talking, and we think it's best to wait a year or two before we try for a pup again. We're still so young, and I think you still need a bit more time to fully move on. So is this okay with you?" the blonde asked. George flashed him a grateful smile, and nodded.

Dream leaned down and kissed him, then pulled the brunette onto his lap. Sapnap in the meantime, laid down on the bed and watched the show. He looked rather nervous which made George wonder what exactly did his mates have planned for the night.

This question was soon answered, when Dream placed the plug in his hand. "Go prep Sapnap, Love." Dream whispered.

George's eyes widened, and his heart raced with excitement. He quickly crawled over to the beta, who was looking at him nervously. "I'll be gentle Dear..." George assured.

Sapnap took in a deep breath and gave him a nod. George lubed up his fingers and started to stretch the Beta, who clenched down immediately. The omega then pressed their lips together, hoping to make Sapnap forget about what was happening.

It worked, and soon the now lubed plug was buried deep into the beta. Sapnap then retook control and pinned George down on the bed. The raven moved them closer to the edge, and into a new position.

Sapnap laid down on his back, and had George kneel on all fours above him, with the brunette facing the opposite way. George smirked at the raven head's erection that stood proudly in front of him, and soon lowered his mouth to suck the raven head off. Sapnap returned the favor, while also fingering the brunette at the same time.

The raven head withdrew his fingers after sometime, making the brunette whine around his member. But then the omega felt something poke his entrance, something bigger than a finger.

"I know it's been a while Love, but I promise to go slow." Dream said, as he placed a hand on George's bare back.

George arched his back even more, making the blonde giggle at his eagerness. Dream slipped his covered member into George, and groaned lowly.

"Goddess, I've missed this!" the alpha said before he started to move.

George let out a surprised squeak when Dream suddenly hit his prostrate. Being assaulted on both fronts proved to be too much for George, and he finally released into Sapnap's mouth. The beta swallowed everything, then Dream pulled out of the omega.

The brunette was still a bit dazed form his orgasm, so he barely registered getting moved back up the bed.

"You alright Love? Can you keep going?" Dream asked, as he switched out condoms.

"Yes Darling," George answered, eye gleaming with lust.

His mates bent down and took turns to kiss him passionately. Sapnap then gentle guided the omega to kneel down, with his back towards them.

"I think you're loose enough now, don't you think so Dear?" Dream asked Sapnap as he played with the beta's plug.

"Just hurry up and get in already," the raven head mumbled, as he slipped a condom onto his own member.

"Is it okay if I get a bit rough with you Love?" Sapnap asked as he positioned himself behind George.

George nodded, and pushed back to rub his hole against the raven head's cock. Sapnap chuckled and gave his ass a little spank, making the omega squirm a bit in surprise.

Sapnap then lined himself up and pushed into the brunette. They both moaned out, before the beta started pounding into George, hitting his sweet spot every time

Despite already climaxing a couple of minutes ago, George could feel another load already on its way, but then Sapnap suddenly stopped moving.

The omega glanced back to see what was wrong, and saw Dream slowly entering Sapnap. Oh my Goddess, this is so hot!

Dream suddenly bucked his hips, which made Sapnap thrust into George, and they both moaned out at the sensation.

Dream smirked from above, and gently touched both of them. "Are my mates liking this new position?"

The both of them nodded, which pleased him very much. He gripped onto Sapnap's hips and pulled out, till only the head of his shaft was left in. In one swift motion Dream shoved himself into Sapnap's hole, making both of his mates let out sinful sounds, before he started to move in a fast pace.

"I love you guys so much," he said between pants.

"We love you too, Darling." they answered.

George started to leak onto the sheets, and he shrieked as he found release. This started a chain reaction, since he had tightened around Sapnap as he came, which in turn caused the beta to climax and tighten around Dream, which proved to be the blonde's undoing.

Exhausted and sated, the trio rolled over to lay on their bed. After catching their breaths, Dream and Sapnap got up and started a warm bath. When it was ready, they carried George to the tub, where he sleepily sat between Dream's legs, while Sapnap straddled his thighs.

"I love you guys so much," the omega said, "I can't even imagine life without the both of you."

They both smiled, "Neither can we George."

"We'll always be together George, and hopefully it will stay that way in our next life as well." Sapnap said before hugging him tight.

You were only suppose to have one mate George, the Moon Goddess' voice echoed through his head, but he pushed it away.

These two mean the world to me. I don't know what will happen in the next life, but please Goddess of Fate, let us stay together. Even if we just stay friends...

Somehow George fell asleep in the bath, so Dream and Sapnap dried him off, then carried him to bed, where they snuggled up together for the night.

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