Chapter 7

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"You okay?" Dream asked as he pulled Sapnap up.


Alpha? May I talk to you and the Beta? A voice called from their mind link.

Sure Techno, where do want to meet? Dream answered his Gamma.

The east border, came the answer.

The two men then shifted and headed towards the location.

"What is it?" Dream asked as they shifted back to their human form.

"Wilbur's been reporting signs of rogues lately, and just a while ago while I was patrolling the border, I not only smelled a rogue, but saw several running away."

"When was the first time that Wilbur spotted signs of them?"

"A couple of months ago," Techno replied.

"Alright then, have all on patrol duty pair up. If they spot any sign of rogues they are to inform you or us at once. Should they find rogues on our territory, they are to inform us before they engage. We don't know what these mutts want, nor whether or not they're dangerous, so let's keep our guard up and remain on the defensive."

Techno nodded then they went their separate ways. As Sapnap and Dream neared the pack house, their noses picked up the savory scent of food.

They rushed in to find George in the kitchen, humming and dancing along to a song playing from his phone. The omega was wearing an apron, and a huge smile decorated his handsome face.

The sight seemed to please their wolves, and they had to forcefully tense up their bodies to avoid running over to hold him. They watched in silence as the brunette twirled gracefully around the kitchen, while continuing to cook.

Eventually George turned off the stove, and poured the soup that he was preparing into a bowl. As he was carrying it to the table, his eye finally caught Dream and Sapnap and this startled him. Luckily he didn't drop the bowl in his hands.

"You guys scared me," he whined as he set the bowl down.

"What is this?" Dream asked, as both he and Sapnap approached the table to see the rather delicious spread in front of them.

"Oh I just thought that I could make you guys dinner, as an apology for intruding in your home."

"You aren't intruding George, we don't mind you staying here." Sapnap answered.

"Still though, I felt the need to do something to show my appreciation."

The Beta and Alpha looked at each other before settling in their seats. As customary, George waited till they took their first bite before digging in himself.

"Gosh! Remind me to tell Antfrost that he doesn't need to cook for us anymore, do you mind taking over the cooking George?" Dream asked.

"No, I'm fine with that," George replied with a small smile, that made Dream and Sapnap's heart soar, before feeling another wave of guilt crash against them. Damn it! This omega's dangerous!

They quickly ate their fill, and thanked George before heading to the living room. The omega took care of the dishes before heading there himself, since he wanted to inform Sapnap and Dream that he was going to retire for the night.

George didn't manage to get a word out, since a pillow came flying and hit his face.

He groaned before picking up the pillow, and scanning the room to see Sapnap on the floor with Dream on top of him. Both held pillows, and were looking at him sheepishly. It appeared that they decided to start a little pillow fight, and George just got caught in the crossfire.

George eyed them sternly, and the pair were about to apologize when the omega threw the pillow back, hitting Dream hard and knocking him off Sapnap. The Alpha and Beta looked bewildered at the strength of the omega's attck, while George burst into laughter.

The brunette suddenly felt a chill go down his spine, and he looked up to see Dream and Sapnap poised to strike back. The omega took off running with the Beta and Alpha close behind him, throwing pillows as they ran. The house echoed with laughs and shouts, as the trio ran from room to room in their childish fun.

George managed to dodge the pillows till an arm wrapped around his waist.

"Gotcha!" Dream yelled as he pulled George close to his chest.

Sapnap then approached the squirming omega from the front, and attacked his sides with tickles. George squealed as he tried his best to escape their joint attack.

"Stop! Stop! No seriously stop!" he cried and the raven head listened. Exhausted George fell back, and slumped into Dream's arms.

The trio were now seated on the floor, with George in between Dream's legs and Sapnap in front of him, all three of them pausing to catch their breath.

"I haven't heard you laugh in so long!" Sapnap said to George, and the brunette gave him a small smile. It felt good to have fun with them again, just like they did when they were kids.

The brunette tensed up however, when he felt Dream's nose lightly trail up and down his neck. "I missed this..." the alpha growled.

Sapnap then leaned in and did the same gesture to the other side of George's neck. "You smell so good George..."

Their wolves howled in pleasure, and George found himself getting lost in a lust-filled daze. He unconsciously released his scent, signifying his arousal and the two dominants growled lowly, before releasing their own scents.

Dream and Sapnap continued to tease his neck, and eventually a soft whimper left George's mouth.

The pair pulled back, and George gasped when he noticed that Sapnap's eyes were now glowing amber and Dream's was a dark green, indicating that their wolves were pushing forward for control.

This snapped George out of the daze he was in, and he immediately pulled out of their hold then stood up. This action caused the beta and alpha's eyes to return to normal, and now all the lust in the atmosphere was replaced by confusion and fear.


The brunette couldn't take it any longer, he quickly turned on his heels and rushed to his room. He locked the door behind him and fell face first onto his bed.

"George! Open up! We just want to apologize!" Dream begged from outside his door.

Aiden whimpered and George felt tears slowly run down his cheek. His sniffles could be heard from outside his door, and it broke Sapnap and Dream's hearts. The pair decided to give George his space and headed to their own room.

"You're not mad?" Dream asked Sapnap.

"For what?"

"For me being attracted to him as well?"

Sapnap scoffed, "Dream, if it wasn't already obvious by what just happened, I feel the same way too. I don't know why, and it might just be a passing phase, so let's just wait it out and see."

Dream nodded his agreement and the pair snuggled together for the night. 

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