Chapter 17

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Forgive me Technoblade (༼☯﹏☯༽)


The door slowly creaked open, and George couldn't be more grateful that the desk was blocking him from view.

"You wanted to see me Alpha?"

"Yes Techno, there's just a small matter that we wish to tell you." Dream replied, impressively keeping his voice steady despite what as happening under his desk.

The Gamma approached them, making George's heartbeat race with each footstep. Sapnap subtly gripped onto his hair and gently pushed the brunette's head up and down his length. The omega took it as a sign to continue the blow job.

Make them squirm and squeal, Aiden suggested cheekily, causing George to smirk.

You know Aiden, you always come up with incredible ideas.

George made sure to keep quiet as he increased his pace on both his mates, using his tongue to swirl around Sapnap's tip and doing the same to Dream by using his thumb .

Both of them inhaled sharply and George smiled a bit, before focusing back on the task at hand.

"We are planning to expand our lands... a bit further to make up for our growing numbers." Dream started after clearing his throat. His breathing obviously labored, and Sapnap was starting to pant.

"We... will soon contact Karl to take charge of clearing the area, and the construction... We want you to make sure that they stay safe... from rogues." Sapnap added, pausing ever once in a while to catch his breath.

"About that, so far since the last attack there have been no signs of rogues." Techno informed, completely oblivious to what was happening under the desk.

"Hmmm...Interesting, we'll just have to wait and see what their next move will be. In the meantime... please discuss with the warriors on how they should arrange their schedules." Dream said, trying to smile naturally.

"Wilbur and I can take turns with leading the betas' protection group. Tommy and Tubbo have proven themselves capable enough to manage guarding the gate. Then I can let Skeppy and Bad handle those on regular patrol." Techno suggested.

"Sounds good, please inform Antfrost to have the omegas prepare meals for the betas during these time as well."

Techno nodded then left the room.

George shoulders relaxed with relief, but he tensed up again when he felt the intense waves of lust, his mates were emitting.

"Trying to get us to moan while our Gamma was here? You're just evil George," Dream said teasingly, and George removed his mouth from Sapnap's leaking member.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I just wanted to pleasure my mates." He replied cheekily.

"Hmmm...if that's the case keep going Love, I'm close," Sapnap said, and the brunette happily complied.

"Oh fuck!" the raven head yelled as he released into George's mouth.

The brunette made sure to suck him clean before moving to Dream's member, that was starting to drop beads of precum from his handjob.

Dream moaned loudly and bucked his hips a bit, before finally shooting his seed down George's throat. The omega cleaned him off then pulled back to breath, exhausted yet still horny since his cock was pressing against the fabric of his shorts.

Dream immediately pulled him up, and Sapnap swiped off all the items on the desk, allowing the blonde to lay George on it. Their hungry eyes made the omega gulp, and his shaft twitched.

Dream connected their lips in a rough kiss, their tongues gliding across each other as Sapnap pulled his shorts down, freeing the omega's erection.

"You're absolutely amazing George..." They both said, before Sapnap took him into his mouth.

George squealed and bit his lip, before Dream recaptured it in another passionate kiss. "Scream and moan for us Love, we want to hear just how much you love our touch."

Dream then moved to the other side, so Sapnap had more space to go down on the brunette. There he kissed George again before lifting the brunette's shirt. He took one nipple into his mouth and played with it using his tongue, while pinch the other between his fingers. The omega bucked and moaned, pleading them for more.

When Sapnap pulled back a bit to focus his mouth around George's tip, the brunette huffed in frustration and reached over to push the beta back down , but Dream stopped him by grabbing onto his wrist and pinning them by his head.

"Let us do what we want Love, we promise to make this enjoyable." Dream said, and the brunette nodded.

Dream continued to use his tongue to lick over the brunette's chest, while Sapnap bobbed his head up and down faster.

"Please, I'm close..." George begged, tears starting to form in his eyes at the wonderful sensations that attacked his body.

The Alpha and Beta grunted and gently flipped him over, so his was now laying on his stomach with his ass at the edge of the desk. His mates continued to pepper little kiss on his skin before heading south, where they gently squeezed his ass cheeks and George moaned loudly.

Suddenly something wet circled George's hole, and he shrieked in surprise. He glanced back to find both Dream and Sapnap gliding their tongues across his hole to his balls, and he was grateful that he had showered before joining them in the office.

He also noticed how their eyes were slowly flashing different colors, indicating that their wolves were trying to take over.

His member started to leak as the pair continued to rim him. He warned them once again and all he got was a grunt as a response, before Sapnap's hand wrapped around his base to prevent him from cumming.

Dream then straightened up and sucked on his two fingers, Sapnap moved aside and flipped George over again so he could see them. Dream looked up at the brunette as he teased the outside of the omega's hole, causing George to take in a sharp breath.

Was this it? Was he going to be marked and mated on Dream's desk. George managed to get his body to relax, deciding to trust in his two mates and to willingly submit to them.

He nodded to the Alpha who slowly slipped one finger in, and the omega clenched around it involuntarily. He had fingered himself before to help him get through the past full moons, but somehow having Dream do it felt so much better.

Dream slowly moved his finger around till the omega started to loosen up, then he added another one. George moaned out when the blonde's fingers grazed across his sweet spot and the alpha committed it to memory. He adjusted his movements into thrust, to hit George's prostrate every time.

Meanwhile Sapnap had gone back to blowing the omega, making George cry out for release, since the raven head still held onto the base of his shaft.

"Please... please I can't...." George begged with tears slowly falling down, as he relished in the intense pleasure.

Sapnap removed his mouth, and both he and Dream moved up. Sapnap kissed George's right cheek, while Dream kissed the brunette's left, then they leaned in to whisper in their mate's ear.

"Cum for us George," they said as Sapnap let go of the brunette's shaft, and George screamed out as he finally released onto his chest. So intense was his orgasm that he ended up blacking out, but not before hearing his mates say the words...

"We love you so much George."

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