Chapter 8

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The next morning George snuck out of the pack house and headed towards the woods. He needed to get his thoughts in order, so he just kept walking around the area till it was already late morning.

While George was walking, he continued to play with the necklace around his neck. Though it made sure that Dream and Sapnap didn't find out that he was their mate, it seemed unable to stop any attraction that the pair felt for him.

The omega sighed and leaned against a tree, this is getting so hard...

His stomach let out a grumble, reminding him that he hadn't eaten breakfast yet, so he started the long walk back to the pack house.

Suddenly he felt like someone was watching him, and Aiden started growling. George sniffed the air and a foul scent filled his nostrils.


As if on cue, four wolves popped out from the bushes and surrounded him. Their teeth bared and bodies poised to attack.

George stared straight into their red eyes, making sure to keep an eye on their movements, as he assessed his options. Just then one of them leaped at George, with teeth aimed for his neck.

Meanwhile Dream and Sapnap were inside the office they shared at the pack house, dealing with paperwork. Antfrost had stopped over to deliver breakfast, and they left George's share outside his door, along with a note asking him to come outside so they could apologize properly.

Alpha, Beta, Techno's voice called through the pack link.

What is it? Dream asked.

Rogues to the west of the pack lands.

Dream and Sapnap immediately stopped what they were doing and exited the office.

All leaders please check on your groups to see if they are all accounted for, warriors met up with Techno in the west and wait for us there for further orders.

Yes Alpha! They all responded.

Dream and Sapnap had made it to the front door of the pack house when Antfrost's panicked voice spoke up.

Alpha, George is not responding!

The pair looked at each other and rushed back inside to check George's room. They found it open, but no sign of the omega. Fear suddenly gripped their hearts as they rushed back outside, and shifted to their wolves.

Please be okay...they silently pleaded.

They didn't stop running when they saw Techno and the other warriors waiting for them, and instead rushed past them.

Alpha? Techno called in confusion.

George is missing! Dream yelled back, as he and Sapnap continued to run through the forest, in the direction of where the smell of rogues were coming from.

The warriors and Techno quickly followed behind them, all genuinely worried about the pack's so called 'baby.'

As they neared a forest clearing the smell of the rogues grew stronger, and so did the familiar scent of cherry blossoms and pears. Sapnap broke away from the group and passed Dream, using every bit of his energy to reach the source of that sweet scent quicker.

He suddenly came to a halt, and ducked as an unconscious rogue went flying above his head. It landed right in front of Dream's pure black wolf, who skidded to a stop, before staring at the beaten up rogue in front of him.

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