Chapter 14

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"Stop!" George yelled between laughs as Sapnap continued to splash him with the salty sea water.

Sapnap didn't listen however and continued to attack the brunette, that is until he was pushed underwater by Dream.

"Swim George Swim!" the blonde yelled playfully as he swam over to the omega and took his hand.

The pair continued to swim away with Sapnap chasing after them. They then headed to shore where the raven head finally tackled George onto the sand, the pair laughed out loud till Dream joined them by plopping down onto Sapnap's back.

The trio had decided to head out on another date, and George chose the beach since he had never been to one.

Once they managed to untangle themselves, they headed back to the water to wash off the sand then walked over to their beach blanket.

Dream then took out some sunscreen and asked George to sit between his legs.

The omega listened and the blonde began to apply the lotion to his back. George shivered when he felt the blonde's touches getting more sensual, and bit his lips to hold in a moan.

"My turn," George declared when the blonde was done. Dream then turned around and George lightly applied the lotion, while glancing over to see Sapnap's eyes darken with lust.

The beta and omega silently came to an agreement, and after George gave him a nod, Sapnap crawled over to straddle Dream's lap. The blonde and raven head started kissing while George continued to run his hands up and down the blonde's back.

Dream then pushed Sapnap onto the blanket before reaching back and pulling George to lay down besides the raven head. They both bit their lips as Dream hovered above them, with a leg between each of their thighs, and his knees pressing up against their semi-hard erections.

"You boys will be the death of me." he stated, eyes already clouded over with lust.

He bent down to kiss George long and hard, taking control immediately and pushing his tongue in. His other hand went over to palm at Sapnap's tent, and the raven head bit back a moan. When Dream switched over to kiss Sapnap, his hand played with George's erection, making the omega whimpered with need.

Dream and Sapnap's kiss was a bit more rougher, as the beta putting up a fight for dominance again. When Dream let out a low growl however, the raven head surrendered control to him.

Suddenly Dream disappeared from above them, and when they looked around they found the alpha heading back to the water. Dream glanced back at them, shooting them a playful smirk, and the pair gave him a frustrated glare.

"Why that creep, he purposely left us blue balled!" Sapnap whined.

George was silent for a minute and the raven head wrapped his arms around his waist. "You okay George? Do you want me to help you with this?" he asked affectionately as his hands trailed over the tent in the omega's pants.

"I actually have a better idea..."


When the sun started to set, Dream announced that it was time to head home. Sapnap and George were already clean and dry, so the blonde left them to pack up their stuff while he showered.

They were already waiting in the car for him when he got back. Sapnap in the front and George in the back, so Dream opened the door to driver's seat and leaned back. He yelped in surprise when he realized that his seat had been pulled down to the lowest position, and glanced at his two mates who gazed at him lustfully.

He gulped when George entered his field of vision and crashed their lips together. Sapnap then leaned over from his seat and quickly lowered the shorts that the blonde was wearing, free his now hardening erection.

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