Chapter 44: Sweet Revenge part 1

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Haruto: what??

Miki: okay so do you remember when sena put up that mistletoe last year and made us kiss??? well shes headed to dreamy crowns designer with yuuto to get info on a new dreamy crown dress for her

Haruto: ????

Miki: we can get there first and put up a mistletoe you idiot!

Haruto: I dont think thats a good idea but if you really want to i will come

Miki: PERFECT im calling graci the uber driver, meet me outside

Haruto put his AiMobile in his pocket and started heading out. The other M4 members looked at him, confused.

"Where are you going?" Riku asked. All M4 members were training together.

"I'm just running some errands!" Haruto stated.

"In your training clothes?" Haruto looked down. He forgot he was in training clothes, which made sense for him to wear because he was training. 

"I'll change out of them!" he added as he ran out the door and into the M4 dorms to change into something more suitable for seeing his... girlfriend???? Christmas Eve and the days after all felt like a blur and he still could not process it. After getting dressed, he met Miki at the gate.

"Why did you take ten years to get here?!" Miki scolded him as she stepped into the car.

"Because I had to get cleaned up from training!" Haruto answered.

"You wanted to look nice for me?"


"Aw, did something happen between you two?" Graci the Uber driver teased. This immediately silenced the two. Graci looked at their reddened faces. "Ah, okay, I get it. Did you cut your hair, Miki?"

"Yeah I got it cut, I was bored of having it long." Miki replied. Her recently cut hair was tied in the same half up half down buns she wore before, they were just a bit smaller and messier due to the lost length. The whole ride was pretty quiet until they reached the lake. 

"It's so pretty outside!" Haruto exclaimed. "Everyone look!" 

"Wow!" Graci the Uber driver gasped. 

"Wait one minute, I'm in the middle of a game," Miki said. Graci the Uber driver snatched her AiMobile. 

"Fine- wow it is really pretty actually!" As they approached their destination, a woman with short bleached hair biked the opposite direction. This did not catch anyone's attention. When they got to Dreamy Crown, they thanked Graci and walked up to the door of the bigger house. There were two houses, one that looked like it could hold a family and one that looked like a small studio. 

"Before I ring the doorbell," Miki whispered, "you are not under any circumstance allowed to tell them that we are dating. Okay?"

Haruto nodded while a slight blush dusted his cheeks due to the use of this new term. "O-okay." Miki rang the doorbell. A woman with light orangish brown hair and pink eyes came to the door.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, IM NOT JOINING THE NO-" the woman yelled "oh, it's just some of Yuuto's friends." The woman let them in.

"What happened, Mrs. Sena?" Haruto asked.

"This lady from the No More Aikatsu movement wouldn't leave us alone,"

"The what?!" Haruto and Miki gasped in unison.

"Lately the amount of people against the concept of Aikatsu has grown," Akari Sena explained. "A movement against Aikatsu, called No More Aikatsu, has been gaining more support. I don't think you should worry about it much though. The power of Aikatsu is too strong, I don't think it can be stopped so easily. Enough of that, come on in!" the couple sat down at a table. 

She used to shine so brightly, why is she doing this now? What changed her heart? Akari thought as she met the two at the table. Tsubasa came over as well.

"What brings you two here?" Tsubasa asked them. "Are you dating or something?"

"Ye-" Haruto was cut off by Miki aggresively putting her hand on his mouth. 

"I am Miki and he is Haruto," she answered, not moving her hand. Akari and Tsubasa chuckled. "We came to get revenge on your son and Sena, who are coming here later, correct?" The Senas nodded. Miki handed them a mistletoe. "Put this over wherever you think they will sit." 

"This is revenge for what?" Akari laughed.

"Last year, Sena put up a mistletoe and made Haruto kiss me, so I'm making her kiss Yuuto. I'm a genius."

"I thought you two were dating, why was the mistletoe a problem?"

"Just put the thing up, okay?!"

"Fine, I will put it up." Akari got up and hung the mistletoe. To Miki's dread, it was right above her and Haruto. Haruto looked at the floor, trying to avoid it. Miki was furious.

"WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING REVENGE! THIS IS YOUR FAULT HARUTO FO-" she was cut off by Haruto kissing her. To her surprise, this melted her anger away. When the kiss was over she was back in a normal mood. 

"We'll be going now, bye Mr. and Mrs. Sena!" Miki said as she and Haruto headed back outside. "Oh, and don't tell Sena and Yuuto about us!"

"We won't!" Akari told them as she waved goodbye.

So much shipping my head is spinning wee woo wee woo!! So yeah this scenario (including the part 2 coming next) has also been in my head for like two years although some stuff was added now. Just so y'all know, I do have plans for the end of this fanfic and have for a while! It will not go on forever unfortunately. WE'RE NOT THERE YET SO DON'T WORRY YET!

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