Chapter 23: The big sleepover

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"Aaaaah!!! We're going to have so much fun today!!!" Sena squealed. Miki was having a New Year's Eve sleepover with her six friends at her house. All six friends were currently there.

"Mrs. and Mr. Kira, may I please have an autograph?" Izumi asked with sparkling eyes. Mrs. Kira, Miki's mom chuckled. 

"Sure!" she exclaimed. She and her husband both signed a paper and handed it to Izumi. Izumi looked around.

"Where did everyone go?" she asked.

"They probably went upstairs to Miki's room," Mr. Kira, Miki's dad answered as he adjusted his glasses. Izumi ran upstairs and found Miki's room.

"Finally, we were waiting for you," Miki said as Izumi walked in, gesturing her to sit down on the floor with the other girls. Izumi closed to door silently. "As some of you may not know, Riku and the rest of M4 are also here for a sleepover. They are in Riku's room. We are going to sneak in and knock them all out with pillows." Miki whispered.

"My pillow is ready," Hana said quietly as she grabbed her pillow that she brought for the sleepover and held it up. Everyone else grabbed their pillows, except for Ruka.

"I think I left my pillow at home," she said sheepishly.

"Don't worry, I gathered extra pillows just in case," Miki said as she tossed Ruka a pillow.

"I still have Yuuto's Nerf gun from Halloween and I brought it, can I use that too?" Sena asked. Miki paused.

"Forget about pillows, we're all going to use Nerf guns," Miki stated as she ran out of the room. She came back a minute later with a huge container full of Nerf guns that also had a smaller container inside filled with bullets. "Everyone, take a gun or two and load em' up!" she exclaimed. Once everyone had at least one loaded up Nerf gun, they were ready to attack. Miki sneakily lead them into the hallway to Riku's room. She looked back at the girls. She counted down with her fingers. Three... two... one... BAM! She burst open the door and started shooting. Her friends followed. M4 was playing Mariokart, well they were, until Miki and her army attacked. They pelted M4 with the Nerf gun bullets. Haruto collapsed on the floor.

"It hurts!!!!" he whined. 

"I got a shield!" Riku shouted as he quickly ran next to Haruto with a pillow to protect them. Yuuto walked up to Sena.

"Is that my Nerf gun you have there?" he asked politely, pointing at one of Sena's guns and shielding himself with a pillow. 

"Yeah!! And you can't have it!!" Sena screamed as she ripped the pillow out of Yuuto's hands and    proceeded to shoot him, accidentally shooting him.... in a sensitive spot.

"Agh!" he screamed in pain as he put his hands on the spot. Sena's eyes widened.

"Aaaaah! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you there!" Sena apologized loudly. Miki ran up to her.

"A good soldier never apologizes!" she shouted, turning back to shoot Itsuki who was trying to escape the room. Sena shot Miki with the Nerf gun. 

"But a good person does!" Sena argued. 

"Yeah, I guess," Miki said, as she noticed Itsuki near the door and quickly shot him a few times.

"Help! Riku and Haruto took my guns!" Nanase shrieked. 

"Surrender now!" Riku exclaimed pointing the gun at Nanase.

"Or prepare for a fight!" Haruto added, pointing his gun at Nanase as well.

"Meowth, that's right..." Miki sighed as she walked past Riku and Haruto and easily snatched their guns.

"No fair!" Haruto whined.

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