Chapter 18: Laura's flashbacks

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Laura sat down on her bed. It was sunset. Nozomu would be coming home from work soon. But like always, she couldn't help but wonder if he was okay. She didn't want what happened to her previous husband to happen to him. She had a flashback.

Please start listening to the song that I attached to the chapter while reading!

~flashback starts~

The college professor called Laura over.

"We have a new student. He is from Japan just like you. He doesn't know English. Could you please help him learn and show him around?" the professor asked.

"Sure." Laura replied. The professor lead her to a boy with red hair and bright yellow eyes.

"I'll leave this to you two now." the professor said as she walked off.

"Hello, my name is Laura Sakuraba! I will be showing you around the campus and helping you learn English." Laura said, in Japanese, of course.

"My name is Kotaro Hatanaka." the boy said in Japanese. Laura showed him around. He also got better at English.

~Fast forward~

Kotaro now knows English pretty well. He knocked on Laura's dorm room door. Laura opened it.

"Hello? Oh, it's you Kotaro! What do you need?" she asked with a smile.

"Um, I was wondering if you'd like to go on... a date." he said nervously. Laura blushed a bit.

"Sure!" she replied happily as she took his hand. Kotaro blushed a bit too.

"How about the new cafe nearby?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's go there." Laura said. Kotaro drove her to the cafe and they had a wonderful time.

~Fast forward~

Kotaro and Laura have been out of college and living independently for a year or two. It is currently summer, and they are on a date at the beach. There is a beautiful sunset.

"Wow, look at the sunset." Laura said to Kotaro.

"It's beautiful, but you are even more beautiful." he said to her.

"Aw, thanks." Laura said with a smile. "You are one of the kindest people I've ever met." Laura said to him.

"Same to you." Kotaro replied. He got closer to Laura.

"And that's why" he paused and got down on one knee. Laura looked at him in shock. "I want to be with you forever." Kotaro continued. Laura started to cry. "Everything about you is beautiful. Inside and out. Even the flaws you may have. They are all beautiful. And I am honored to know a girl like you. Laura Sakuraba, will you marry me?" Kotaro added as he held out a small box with a ring.

"Yes!" Laura said through tears. She wiped them away and put on the ring. She was officially engaged.

~Fast forward~

Laura walked down the aisle. She was wearing the prettiest white lace dress anyone had ever seen. She held a bouquet of roses. Standing next to her was her crying father. As she walked up more, she met eyes with her soon to be husband Kotaro. She glanced at the audience. All her friends were there. Yume, Mahiru, Koharu, Ako, and even M4! They had all flown to England to see Laura get married. And after the wedding, they were going to fly back with them to Japan to buy a house and have a normal life. Her thoughts drifted away to her future life with Kotaro as the priest gave a super long speech.

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