Chapter 14: Nandemo Bento

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Students all over Four Star Academy tuned into their AiMobiles. It was the "It's Our Job To Shine" S4 program.

"Hello and welcome to It's Our Time To Shine!" S4 said together.

"We have some exciting news!" Honoka said.

"We will be having a Halloween event here at Four Star!" Ai said.

"You will go to different rooms of the school to get candy and other fun goodies!" Waka explained.

"Don't forget your costumes! Hope to see you there!" Mayumi exclaimed.

"YASSSS! YASSSS!" Sena screamed. She got up from her chair and jumped up and down.

"Sena... I'm trying to sleep." Miki whined, still in her bed.

"Well, it's noon, so you should be up by now!" Sena complained.

"Oh. Right." Miki said as she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower. She put on a white tshirt and wore a navy blue sweatshirt on top of it. She also put on some jeans and black Converse.

"Should we go to eat somewhere and invite some friends?" Miki asked.

"Yeah!" Sena squealed. Sena was wearing a fuzzy light pink sweater, white jeans, a golden heart necklace, and pink flats. They headed out of the dorm and texted their friends. Rie and Ruka were busy with KuKu Cute Accessories work, and Hana was training for an audition that she really, really wanted to pass. Nanase and Izumi were not busy, so they met up with Miki and Sena to get something to eat.

"Where should we eat?" Sena asked.

"I heard of this place called Nandemo Bento. It sounds good." Izumi suggested.

"Yeah, let's go there." Miki said, agreeing with Izumi. Miki hacked Uber onto her AiMobile and got someone to drive them to Nandemo Bento. A hot pink car pulled up. It had an Uber sticker on it. Miki opened the door. "This is Graciela, our Uber driver who will drive us to Nandemo Bento." Miki said as she sat inside the car. "Oh please, just call me Graci." The driver said. She had brown eyes and frizzy, wavy brown hair with two pink streaks that had faded a whole lot and now looked strawberry blonde. Her hair was held back by a headband. Nanase, Sena, and Izumi sat in the car along with Miki.

"I've never used Uber before!" Nanase said, excited.

"So, you guys must be Miki Kira, Sena Yuki, Nanase Kasumi, and Izumi Hori!" Graci said. Sena, Nanase, and Izumi blinked in confusion.

"She knows us?" Izumi asked. "Oh, I know every Four Star Academy student as of right now." she winked.

"And Miki, Sena, Nanase, I know about your parents! Miki, your parents were my OTP when I was your age!" Miki knew what OTP meant.

"Ok, this is getting awkward." Sena shuddered.

"Oh, Sena! I always wondered why your mom was always rival zoning your dad!" Graci exclaimed. Sena sat there, feeling weird.

"Oh, and you Nanase! I was so upset when your mom had to leave to Italy, because it meant no more Koharu x Asahi for a while!" Graci added on. Izumi was laughing. Good thing she didn't have idol parents. Otherwise she would have to deal with what her three friends in the car were dealing with right now. She actually liked Graci. She seemed nice! A few minutes later, they arrived at Nandemo Bento. Sena ran in and smelled all the deliciousness. She ran over to a table and sat down, as her friends walked over to the table and sat with her.

"I can't wait to eat!" Sena screamed.

"We haven't even gotten our order taken yet.." Miki sighed as Nanase and Izumi chuckled. A familiar boy walked over to their table.

"Hello and welcome to- MIKI?!" he said, startled that Miki was in the group. He got really red. Everyone in the room stared at him for being so loud. Miki was embarrassed that he got so much attention for yelling her name. Especially because of which boy it was. It was Haruto. He was the one who came to take their order.

"Uh sorry. But Miki, why are you and your friends here?" Haruto asked.

"We just wanted something to eat." Miki told him. "But more importantly, you work here?" Haruto nodded.

"My grandma used to own it, but she passed away a couple of years ago. She gave Nandemo Bento to my mom before she died." he explained. Everyone at the table looked at him sympathetically. Sena and Nanase were about to cry. "THAT'S SO SAD!!" the two girls shrieked. Haruto laughed.

"I'm sorta over it now, it's fine. What would you guys like to eat?" They girls looked at the menu.

"Two seaweed bentos and two veggie bentos please." Izumi said. Haruto went to the kitchen. His mom looked at him.

"I see you were talking with some girls!" she teased. She had red eyes and blonde hair. "My little boy is getting a girlfriend!" she squealed.

"MOM! I don't have a girlfriend!" Haruto replied, embarrassed and blushing. "We need two seaweed bentos and two veggie bentos."

"Raichi! Can you make two seaweed bentos and two veggie bentos? I want to go talk to Haruto's friends." Haruto's mom said. "Sure thing, sis!" Raichi said as he started cooking. Haruto's mom came over to the four girls.

"Do you know Haruto?" she asked. The girls nodded.

"He goes to our school." Izumi said.

"Oh, you must be idols then!"

"Well, this is our first year." Nanase told her.

"I'm Haruto's mom, Ic-" she was caught off by Izumi.

"ICHIGO HOSHIMIYA?!" Izumi screamed. Ichigo chuckled.

"Actually, it's Ichigo Suzukawa now, but yep, that's me!" Izumi started to go crazy.

"OMG THIS YEAR I HAVE MET SO MANY PEOPLE ABOUT MY AGE WITH IDOLS AS PARENTS!!! OMG OMG!!" Everyone laughed. "What happened to your red bow?" Izumi asked, calming down.

"Oh, that? I stopped wearing it when I married my husband, Naoto, so that no one would see the bow and immediately now it was me and then go crazy. I had just quit being an idol and I didn't want a lot of attention. I gave the bow to Haruto's twin sister, Waka, but she never wears it because it's not really her style. Maybe one day she might, though! I can see it matching with her clothes!" Ichigo explained. Haruto walked over with their food.

"Two seaweed and veggie bentos!" he said as he placed them on their table. All four girls took a bite. Their faces lit up.

"This is so good!" Sena squealed.

"Glad you like it!" Ichigo exclaimed. Within the next fifteen minutes, they had finished their bentos and were ready for the bill. Before they left to hop in Graci the Uber driver's car, Miki handed Haruto some money. "Here is your tip." she said and ran off. Haruto stared at the money and turned red.

"Is there something about the girl who gave that tip to you?" Ichigo teased.

"N-no!" Haruto stuttered, getting even more red as Ichigo laughed.

Yes, the grown up me is in this story :3. Well, I finally thought of what else to write in this story, but I want to put in another ship and I'm not sure what to write after the next chapter. I wanna put in Yuuto x Sena but dunno how I should do it, and I wanna have all the M4 members shipped with someone. If you have recommendations you can leave them below!!

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