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Nikki knew that Reagan had been getting drunk all of the time. She knew she was missing Lacey. But Nikki knew it wasn't helping her.

When she woke that morning, she went downstairs and saw Reagan passed out asleep on the sofa. Nikki saw the empty bottles on the floor and sighed. "Idiot. Come on. Up you get," she told her.

Reagan shook her head. "No. I'm sleeping. I need sleep more than I do school," she said.

Nikki rolled her eyes. She pulled Reagan up from off the sofa. Reagan groaned. "No mother. I don't want to," she mumbled.

"Tough. I've got enough on my plate without having you off school. So come on. You'll be okay when you've had a coffee in your system."

Reagan rolled her eyes. She looked at her mum. "I want her back. Is that too much to ask for?"

Nikki sighed. "I know. We just have to wait. It will be okay. We will find her."

"I hate her for what she's done. But she's still my sister. My best friend."


Nikki took Reagan into school. Tom walked over. "Nik. I never meant for any of this to happen. I know it won't change anything," he said.

Reagan looked at him. "It's because of you this has happened. You couldn't keep it in your boxers and you just had to screw my sister. So forgive us if we don't walk to talk to you. Or associate with you. You're a joke Tom Clarkson. And you always will be," she spat as she walked off.

Nikki sighed. "I can't say you didn't deserve that. But I'll sort it. I'll make sure she stops giving you grief."


"Don't thank me Tom. Thank god that i don't want to see my other daughter a drunken mess on the floor. And that is down to you," Nikki said as she walked off.

Tom knew he had messed up badly. But he also wanted Reagan back. He knew she wouldn't give him another chance. Not when she had been betrayed by him.


Reagan was sitting in the library. She looked up as Rhiannon walked towards her. "Listen yeah. I'm dating Barry Barry now. And he's told me to be nice and say sorry for what i said about your sister. It's Clarkson who's caused the damage," Rhiannon said.

Reagan rolled her eyes. "You're not dating Barry. You probably hooked up once and now you think you're dating when you're not," she said.

"Yes we are."

"You're not dating Barry. Barry doesn't do dates. He does hump and dump," Reagan said as she walked off.


Nikki smiled as she walked into her classroom. She saw Reagan sitting there. "Hey. You okay?"

"Is she ever going to come back? I know I said some horrid things. But will she ever come back?"

Nikki nodded. "I think she will. It will just some time for it to happen. She's just a stubborn girl. Like you," she told her.

Reagan nodded. She knew it was all a mess. But she wanted it to go back to normal.


Reagan was sitting in the house. There was a knock at the door. Reagan stood up and opened it. "Hello Reagan..."

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