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Reagan sighed to herself as she got to toms. She was angry. Her blood was boiling as she thought over Tom and what he had and Lacey had done. She was angry that they had kissed. She knocked on his door and sighed as he answered it. He looked to her and frowned as she walked into the house

"I think that you and I need to talk" she said as he looked to her and frowned


"About the fact that you kissed my sister, how could you do that me. I thought that we had something I thought that you loved me" she said as he looked to her and frowned

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake . It didn't mean anything, my head is a mess and I was worried about you that I was going to loose you" he said as Reagan looked to him with tears in her eyes.

Tom walked over to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"it didn't mean a thing I swear" Tom said as Reagan looked to him with tears in her eyes

"It doesn't matter, it's all still hurts all the same. Me and you, we are done and I will never forgive you for this or my sister" she spat as she walked off.

She was hurt and heartbroken and she vowed that she would never forgive Tom or Lacey. She felt hurt and heartbroken over it all. Reagan sighed as she ran a hand through her hair as she walked back to the school house. Reagan felt heartbroken and she felt like she had no one, she felt like she couldn't trust someone.

She had lost the man that she had fallen deeply in love and she had lost her sister who was also her best friend. Reagan felt as If she had no one and that she couldn't trust anyone and she didn't know what to do. She felt numb and she didn't know what the point of it was anymore.


Reagan stood in her bedroom at her school house and sighed as Lacey walked in and looked to her and smiled

"can I talk to you" Lacey asked as Reagan looked to him and rolled her eyes as she looked to her

"why would I do that, why would I talk to you when you are dead to me, you are dead to me as is Tom. Your meant to be my sister after all and now you are nothing" Reagan spat as Lacey looked to her and frowned

"you don't mean that, it was a stupid kiss that meant nothing and you have to forgive me we are family" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and glared

"don't I, I am out of here" Reagan said as she walked past her as Lacey as Lacey looked after her and sighed. Lacey realised that one mistake had lost her everything and it had cost her, her sister and Lacey didn't know if she would ever get Reagan back and didn't know if she would ever forgive her.


Maggie stood in the school house and sighed to herself as she looked to Lacey and Reagan. She knew that there was o my one person who could help the two sisters. Maggie wales to the phone as she dialled a number

"hello, yes it's Maggie. I think that you need to be here Nikki, your daughters need you. You need to fix their broken relationship before it's too late" Maggie said. But could Nikki coming back fix what was left of the almost damaged relationship

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