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Reagan walked into the bathroom and saw Lacey throwing up. she frowned. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were pregnant," she said.

Lacey looked to her. She sighed. "I am. It's why I came back for clothes. I found a couple who want to adopt the baby. They're offering me money for me to give the the baby to them," she told her.

Reagan frowned. "They're buying your baby? What the hell?"

"I have no choice. I don't want to be a mum. I'd be a crap mum. I can't even be a good sister. So imagine what I would do to a baby," Lacey said.

"But you can't sell your baby. Who knows what they're really like. They could be putting on an act," Reagan said.

Lacey shrugged. "I already told them they could."

Reagan went into school. She smiled as she saw Tom. He walked over to her. "Hey. How's Lacey doing?" He asked.

"She's fine. She's at home for a few more weeks yet. Thanks for asking," Reagan mumbled.

Tom took her hand and smiled. "Despite everything, I do still want you. I love you and I never stopped," he said.

Reagan knew she still felt the same about him. But she knew too much had happened between them. And if she was being honest, she wanted him back. But she was too scared of having her heart broke again.

Nikki smiled. "Hey. Sorry I couldn't bring you in. I had a meeting. Was your sister okay?"

"Yeah she was fine. I should go inside. It's freezing out here," she said as she walked off. She was too busy thinking about Tom. And she was torn on giving him a second chance or not.

Reagan sat in class and sighed as Rhiannon sat down next to her. She looked at her. "Can I help you?" She asked.

Rhiannon smiled. "When are you going to finish getting rid of your sister? When she's back in school?"

Reagan rolled her eyes. She looked at her. "How about you just back off? What happens with me and Lacey, happens. It's none of your business. And if I find out anyone has said anything to her when she comes back, I'll murder you with my bare hands," she said as she grabbed her stuff and walked off.

Tom saw Reagan sitting in the library. He walked in and sat opposite her. "Hey. You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I just want some space. You just don't leave me alone. Ever since I told you my sister was back, you've been hovering. If you're that fussed about her, then go and see her!"

Tom frowned. "I don't want her. I never did. I only want you. Why can't you see that?"

"Because every time I try and move on, all I see is you and her. And it breaks me apart knowing that I see you with her. And she's my sister. You both betrayed. I have to forgive her because I have no choice. And we both know. But you... I really don't know if I can forgive you," she told him.

Tom watched as she walked off. But could they ever get back to how they used to be?

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