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Reagan sat in her room and sighed. She stood up as she started to clear up as Lacey walked in. Lacey looked to her sister and frowned. She was worried. Her sister never cleaned up and she was worried "Reagan, are you okay. Your not the same and you are cleaning and you never clean. I know that there is something bothering you" "I know. I know that when I was in hospital having life saving surgery that he was cheating. He cheated on me, I don't know why he would do such a thing to me. I thought we have something and now I fear as if it was all a lie and I don't know what to do" Reagan said as she started to cry as Lacey walked over to her and hugged her. Lacey knew that she was the one Tom cheated with and how it was a massive mistake and how guilty that she felt and she hated it. She hated seeing Reagan so broken hearted

"I know it's awful and I'm so sorry that your going through this but you need to talk to him. It was probably a moment of weakness and thats why he didn't tell you. I know he loves you and I know you love him. Talk to him over it" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and shock her head "no, I am going to met him pay for it. I am going to make him pay for everything and what he has done. He broke my heart lace and he has to pay for it" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and frowned. Lacey knew it was going to end up with Reagan hating her and she didn't like it. She knew it was all going to blow up big time


Lacey got to school and walked into toms classroom and looked to him and sighed "we need to talk" she said as Tom sighed "do we really" he asked as she nodded "Reagan knows that's you cheated and she is vowing to make you pay. We need to do what is right and we need to tell Reagan the truth" Lacey said as Tom sighed "we can't, she will hate us" tom said as Lacey sighed "she will find out eventually and she will hate us then. We need to tell her the truth. She is my sister and I can't lie to her. It's only right. We have broke her heart and I hate it. She is my sister" Lacey said as Tom looked to her "your in this as much as I am and Reagan will never forgive you" tom said as she looked to him and sighed


Reagan sat in the common room as Lacey walked in and looked to her "we need to talk and your going to hate me" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and frowned "your my sister why would I hate you" "because, I'm the one that Tom cheated on you with" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and frowned

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