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Reagan stood in front of the mirror in her uniform and smirked. She had been officially enrolled as a student at waterloo road, thanks to Niki getting the job. Reagan wasn’t bothered about school though. She was bothered about one person, the one person that she wanted to see. Tom Clarkson. Reagan knew that he was her teacher and that it was forbidden, but to Reagan it made her want him more. She didn’t care if she could get in trouble, she wanted him and she wanted him bad. Reagan ran a hand through her dark hair and sighed. She tied her hair up and smirked to herself. She knew that there was something between her and tom and knew it wasn’t just her that felt the attraction between them. She knew that he felt something to. Reagan was going to make it her mission to sleep with tom Clarkson no matter what it took.


Reagan walked into the school yard and couldn’t help but feel nervous and anxious. She was the new girl yet again and hated having to make friends. She stood in the yard as a boy and a girl with curly hair walked over to her "hi are you new, I'm josh and this is Lauren" josh said to Reagan who looked at them and smiled "yeah, my mum just started working here. I'm Reagan" Reagan said "wait your mum is miss Boston?" Lauren asked as Reagan nodded "it's fine, my dad is Mr Clarkson so I know what it's like having a teacher as a parent" josh said as Reagan smiled. She was shocked to see that josh was actually tom's son, but it wouldn’t stop her getting him.

Reagan walked into the school with josh and Lauren as the sound of a fire alarm going on. They gathered that it was just a drill. Reagan groaned as she spotted Niki who was storming down the hall "what the hell are you doing?" Nikki asked Reagan who rolled her eyes "singing the bloody opera what does it look like" Reagan said "this is a fire alarm not a real thing get outside now" Niki said as she grabbed a hold of Reagans arm. Reagan pulled away for her and glared as tom walked over "what's going on here?" He asked "she's an ungrateful brat" Niki said as Reagan glared at her "she's a cow" Reagan said "okay, come on Reagan you and I will take a walk outside, yeah?" Tom said as Reagan looked to him and smirked "certainly sir" she said.

Reagan walked ousted to the yard as tom pulled her aside "I get that you and Niki don’t have the best relationship but why don’t you try and be a little easy on her?" Tom asked as Reagan rolled her eyes "you don’t know it sir, you really don’t okay" Reagan said "why don’t you tell me then?" Tom asked as Reagan looked to him, he smiled to her and she sighed. She didn’t know what but she felt as if she could trust him "let's say things but be better if my mother didn’t hate me" Reagan said as tom looked to her and smiled "you doesn’t hate you" tom said as Reagan sighed "trust me she does, you don’t see the way she looks at me" Reagan said as the bell went and she walked off. Tom stood where he was and frowned to himself wondering what it was about Reagan, there was something that made him click inside. He felt something, something he hadn't felt in years.


Reagan sat in science later that day as another fire drill went off. She had gotten close with josh over the drill and watched as he freaked out and tried to smash the alarm "josh" Reagan called. He had cut his hand on the glass "stop" Reagan said as she got the blood on her blouse as she tried to calm him down. She watched as he ran off and went after him. She ran off to the common room and found him sitting in the corner of the common room. Reagan walked in and knelt down in front of him and smiled "talk to me" Reagan said "it won't stop" josh said looking to his bleeding hand as tom came rushing in "josh" "in here" Reagan said as she moved slightly as tom cleaned up josh's hand "why is it all going wrong dad?" Josh asked "what?" "I don’t know, everything. Today" josh said "come on mate, let's get you sorted okay" tom said as he helped josh up. Reagan looked to tom and smiled slightly. Reagan sighed to herself slightly as Niki walked in "you okay? Nikki asked her daughter. Reagan nodded slightly, she felt bad for tom and josh and seeing toms caring side made her want him more, made her like him more.

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