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Reagan groaned as she stood outside of the bathroom at The school house. She saw Lacey and smiled "who's in there?" Lacey asked as Reagan looked to her and sighed "Rhiannon salt, she's probably fallen down the toilet again" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and sighed. Rhiannon walked out of the bathroom as Reagan looked to her and rolled her eyes "what did you fall in" Reagan asked as she walked into the bathroom and started to get washed. She walked out of the bathroom and sighed as grantly walked out "five minutes, down stairs or you forfeit your breakfast" he said as Reagan grabbed as she looked to him. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she quickly got changed for school and walked down to the dining room and sighed as she looked to Lacey "things are changing around here, here is too much fuss in the morning and if you aren't at the table by eight then you forfeit your breakfast" Maggie said as Reagan groaned as she sat next to Lacey.

"What's the point when the likes of Rhiannon is in the bathroom trying to beautify herself and failing" Reagan said "Reagan, leave it" Lacey said as Reagan sighed to herself as she sat ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she looked down to her breakfast "yes or I'll be straight on the phone to your mother" Maggie said as Reagan looked to her and filmed her Eyes "well if you talk to her tell her hi, she doesn't answer my calls so you'll be lucky" Reagan said as Maggie looked to her and sighed. Reagan sighed as She sat eating her breakfast and ran a hand through her hair as Lacey looked to her and smiled "are you okay" Lacey asked as Reagan smiled "I'm fine"


Later hat morning, Reagan got to school and stood in the hallway with Lacey as she stood watching tom. Lacey looked to Reagan and rolled her eyes "you need to talk to him" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and frowned "what do you mean" "I'm not stupid, you need to talk to him and tell him how you feel, he loves you too and I know that your in love with him, tell him" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and sighed "it's not the easy" she said as Lacey looked to her and rolled her eyes "it really is" Lacey said as she skaldic ff as Reagan stood there and sighed as she looked to Tom, sighing to herself.

Lacey sighed as she walked down the hall after tom and smiled. She looked to him as he stood working. He noticed her and looked to her and smirked as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. He leant in and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close and moaned as he lifted her up onto the desk and stood between her legs as they kissed passionately. She undid his belt and pulled him close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. She placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him "I love you" she said as he looked to her and smirked "I love you too" he said as he kissed her passionately

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