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Reagan knew how she didn't know if Tom was planning on going to Scotland or not. She felt as though she would lose him.

She was scared. She was scared of having to say goodbye to him. It would be the hardest thing she would have to do.

Tom had been her rock. And despite all that had happened with him and Lacey, she was thankful that she had overcome it all.

Things were finally working out for her. She knew how she had struggled with her diagnosis. But she had toms support.

She knew that if she left to Scotland and he stayed behind, she would understand . She would miss him. But she would understand.

Things with her and Lacey had gotten better too. There was still a little bit of tension between them both. But it was getting better.

It had been hard for Reagan to find out her sister had slept with her boyfriend. But she was slowly getting over it.

She didn't want to dwell on the past anymore. She needed to move on from all that had happened. She needed to focus on her mental health and making it work for herself.

All she knew was that things about to change. And she didn't know how to cope it with all of it. She just wanted her life to be simple. 

Morning came and she woke in bed. She sighed as she rolled her eyes hearing rowing. She climbed out of bed and made her way downstairs.

Lacey was there. Nikki too. Reagan frowned. "What's going on?" She asked.

Nikki turned to her. "Your sister here is complaining about going to Scotland. She says she'll be lonely as you two still aren't getting along very well."

Reagan frowned. She looked to her. "Why do you think we're not getting on?"

Lacey sighed. "I just feel like we're not as close as we used to be. I miss how we used to be. I know it's my fault. But I am sorry."

Reagan looked to her. She smiled. "We're okay. I promise you. It's all going to be okay. And in Scotland, we're going to be okay. I promise you. You're my sister. And it's going to be okay."

Lacey smiled. Knowing that she wanted it to work with her sister.

Reagan walked into school. She saw Tom and smiled. "Hey. Are you okay?" Tom asked as he turned to her.

Reagan nodded. She sighed. "I'm okay. I'm just worried about things. And the move to Scotland. I'm scared about it. But I have to somehow make it work for myself," she told him.

Tom smiled. He looked to her. "You are amazing you know that? I know I've hurt you so much. But I am sorry. I hope you know that I want us to make it work," he said.

"We can try. Do you know if you're coming to Scotland or not?" She asked.

Tom shook his head and smiled. "I don't know yet. I'm needing to think about it. And decide weather or not it's going to be okay for me."

Reagan nodded and smiled. She hoped Tom would join her in Scotland. But would their relationship ever work out the way it used to be?

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