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Maggie sighed to herself as she stood in the waiting room with the hospital with Lacey. She looked to Lacey and smiled "are you okay" she asked Lacey who shock her head "I don't know she was lying there unconscious and I just felt sick" Lacey said as Maggie looked to her and smiled "she will be okay" Maggie said as the doctor walked in and looked to her and smiled "are you the guardian to Reagan Boston?" He asked as Maggie nodded "how is she" Maggie asked as they doctor looked to her and smiled "Reagan has taken a high overdose of drugs and it still critical and it's important that her mother is here as there may be important medical conditions that may need to be decided" the doctor said as Maggie nodded. She watched as the doctor walked off and looked to Lacey and smiled "you know she won't come, as much as you try. It's safe to say that our mother doesn't care about us and if you ask me so never did" Lacey said as she walked off.

Maggie looked after her and ran a hand through her hair and looked to Lacey as she walked off as she grabbed her phone and tried to call Nikki. She rolled her eyes as she looked to see it went to answer phone. Maggie walked off towards Reagan's hospital room and frowned as she looked to the young girl that was so fragile and smiled. She didn't know why Nikki wasn't wanting to be involved with Reagan and Lacey but it annoyed her as Nikki was their mother and she should be there especially when Reagan was fighting for life and struggling and Maggie didn't know what to do or how to help her when the person Reagan needed more than ever didn't seem to care.


Later that day, Lacey got school and sighed as she stood in the hallway as Tom walked over to her and smiled "where is Reagan?" He asked as she looked to him and frowned "what, you haven't heard. She is in the hospital. She overdosed" Lacey said as Tom looked to her and paled as she walked off. Tom got to the hospital and walked down the hall and paled as he looked to see Reagan and walked over to her and frowned as he took a hold of her hand and smiled as he sat next to her bed. He looked to see just how critical that she was and smiled slightly "it's all going to be okay, I'm here for you" he said as he looked as she lay unconscious and sighed.


Later that day, Maggie stood in the waiting room as the doctor walked in and smiled "no news on Reagan's mother?" He asked as Maggie smiled "unfortunately not" Maggie said as the doctor nodded "we have the results of Reagan's scans, there seems to be damage to her organs and she needs surgery and you may be The one that gives her consent" the doctor said as god nodded. She knew that she needed to make a decision over Reagan and it wasn't going to be easy.

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