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Reagan got to school and sighed as she spotted tom. She looked to him and smiled as he walked off. Reagan knew that he was avoiding her other what had happened between them and as much as she wanted him. She was more worried about josh. Reagan walked into class with Lauren and looked to him "Reagan, a word" he said as she walked voer to his class. He handed her a sheet off paper "can you take that to the office and get some copies?" he asked as she looked to him and smirked "yes sir, where's josh?" she asked as tom looked to her and sighed "josh is ill" he said as she looked to him and chuckled "sure, he is" she said as she walked out of the classroom and towards the office. Tom couldn't help but look after her and watched her as she walked away. He sighed to himself knowing that he was he was starting to slowly fall in love with Reagan Boston and he knew that there was nothing more that he could do about it all. Reagan smirked as she walked to the office. She knew he was watching her, she knew that he wanted her and even if she wanted him. She was more worried over josh at that moment.


Reagan stood in the hall where she spotted Lauren. She walked over to Lauren and smiled "hey, fancy giving josh a visit?" she asked as Lauren nodded "are you suggesting we bunk off?" Lauren asked as Reagan nodded "come on" Reagan said as they walked to josh's. Reagan stood on his doorstep and smiled as he opened the door "you don't look sick" Lauren said "my thoughts exactly" Reagan said as she walekd over and took a seat. She looked to josh and sighed "I'm worried about you josh, we both our we are your best friends and we want to know what is going on with you" Reagan asked as Josh looked to her and smiled "i have schizophrenia" he said as Reagan looked to him and smiled to her "you know it doesn't change anything, your still our friend"  Reagan siad as Josh smiled "thanks" " yeah, but you should come back to school, you cant avoid it forever" Lauren said as josh sighed and nodded.

Reagan got back to school and sighed as she stood in the hall. She watched as tom walked into the hall with Nikki. Reagan looked on and sighed to herself. She could feel her jealousy rise as she watched as they flirted. She couldn't help but feel jealous as she watched on. She hated how close that Nikki was with tom. Tom looked over to her and smiled as she shot him and glare. He sighed to himself and ran a hand through her hair as Reagan turned towards josh and Lauren and smiled "ill catch you two later" Reagan said as she walked off and tried to contain her jealousy. Tried to contain her feelings that she had when it came to tom Clarkson.


Reagan sat in her classroom and sighed as she wiped the tears from her eyes as tom walked in "leave me alone" she said as he sighed "no" he said as he walekd over and took a seat next to her. He placed a hand on her thigh and she looked to him and sighed "you don't need to be jealous, Reagan i am not interested in your mother. Your the only one that i want" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She kissed him back and pulled him close.

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