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Reagan hadn't been feeling herself at all. She felt as if she was withdrawn from everything and she didn't understand why. Reagan had but it down to stress with the whole Lacey and Tom drama

Reagan walked into the kitchen as she saw Lacey and smiled as she looked to her "are you okay" Reagan asked as lacey smiled

"I'm fine. I have a doctors appointment mum is taking me" she said as Reagan nodded. Lacey looked to Reagan and frowned

Lacey wasn't stupid. She knew that something was up with her sister

"Are you sure that your okay. You seem off off a while I thought things were okay with us" Lacey asked as Reagan looked to her and smiled

"And they will be. Look what you and Tom did to me I am never going to forget it but i am trying. You are my sister and I love you and Tom..."

"You love Tom" Lacey said as Reagan nodded

"You both broke my heart and it isn't easy to get over. That's all" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and nodded. Lacey knew how guilty that she felt over everything

Reagan looked to her phone as it beeped off of the side and picked it up and smiled as she saw a text off of Tom. She looked to it and smiled. Reagan knew how hard Tom was trying to make it work and for that she was grateful for

Reagan sat in the common room as she got to school. She knew that she was close to being send back to the PRU. She looked as Tom walked in and over to her and smiled

"You okay? You look distracted" he said as she smiled

"Im okay Tom. A lot has just happened there all" she said as he placed his hands in her shoulders as she leant back in his touch and smiled

"Well maybe you need a getaway" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"What are you suggesting" Reagan asked as he looked to her and smiled

"A weekend away. Just you and max no distractions. Possibly us naked in bed. I know that we are taking it slow  it there's no pressure just you and me what do you say?" Tom asked as she stood up and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him

"I think that sounds amazing" she said as she leant in and kissed him

Reagan sat in the classroom and sighed. She knew that something was wrong with her and she didn't know what but she knew how it was effecting her

Reagan looked as Nikki walked into the room and looked to her Daughter and smiled.

She knew that there was something going in with Reagan but she didn't want to push her. She knew that Reagan had been through a lot but she knew Reagan temper

But little did Nikki know how she had a right to be worried as her daughters mental health was about to take a turn for the worse and how Reagan was never going to be the same again

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