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Reagan didn't know what to think. She knew that the doctors had said that she was schizophrenic and she didn't know what to think. Reagan knew it wasn't easy and Reagan knew that they thought that she was schizophrenic and she didn't know what to think. She was scared and it scared her as she had no idea what to think

Reagan knew how none of it was easy and she knew it was all going to change. Reagan knew that things were far from easy and she knew that she had no idea how to handle it all

Reagan sat in the kitchen and looked to see Nikki as she walked in "are you okay love I wanted to see if you were okay" Nikki asked as Reagan looked to her and smiled

"I don't know. I don't know how I feel. I'm just scared, I want for it all to be okay. I just don't know how I deal with this I just feel crazy" Reagan said as she ran her hands through her hair

"Your not crazy okay and don't ever feel like it or like anyone else make you feel that way. You have a condition and it's part of who you are and you are going to mange it and you are going to be okay" Nikki said

Reagan looked to her and smiled. She knew that she didn't seem to understand it. She didn't get how she had got this condition and how she could be fine at the same time.

Reagan knew that it all scared her. Reagan looked to Nikki and sighed. Reagan knew how it didn't make sense

"I know what people are going to say shirk me, you do too. I am always going to be known as crazy" Reagan said as Nikki looked to her and nodded

"Your right. I know that you have missed out in a lot of school maybe when we go to Scotland you can look at resorting your GCSEs and be in Lacey year. I know it's not what you wanted but you have to think over what is best for you" Nikki said as Reagan looked to her and nodded

"I'll think over it" Reagan said. She knew how she hadn't spoken to Tom over Scotland and she knew it was a big deal and it scared her but she knew how she had to do what was best for herself

Reagan got to school and sighed. She knew how she had to talk to Tom over Scotland and she didn't know what to say. She didn't know if he was going to go but she knew that the school in rochdale was closing and she knew that things were changing

Reagan was scared and she didn't know what to think. She looked to see Lacey as she walked into the room. She looked to her sister and smiled

"Are you okay" Lacey asked as Reagan looked up at her and sighed

"No. I don't know. I am just thinking over everything and what's going on and it scares me. I want to do what's best for me and mum is moving up to Scotland with us and I haven't told him. I'm scared he won't go and I can't want him to go if he doesn't want too but I love him and I don't loose him you know he's been my rock lately. It just all scares me" she said as lacey looked to her and smiled

"You and Tom are good together. You have been through a lot but he's a good man and he loves you and it will be okay. You can't keep this from him and it will upset him. You need to be honest over the whole situation of it and you know it" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and sighed

She knew that Lacey was right and how she had to be honest in her relationship and she just knew that she was scared that things would go badly when it came to her and Tom

She knew that they had been through a lot and she knew that she was scared that she'd loose him

Reagan sat in the common room. She knew that she was distracted and how things were. Reagan looked to see Tom as he walked in and looked to her and smiled

"Hey I wanted to see if you were okay. I feel as if I haven't seen you" he said as he placed his hands on her shoulders

She looked up at him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him and smiled "I'm all good just thinking over some things and finishing of course work for the end of year" she said as he smiled

"I know how things are but I want you to know I am here and I love you and I am going no where" he said as she looked to him and smiled

She knew how grateful for him that she was

"I know" she said


Reagan walked into the toms classroom as he looked to her and smiled "hey are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I need to talk to you" she said as he looked to her and frowned

"Is everything okay" he asked as she nodded

"I have to repeat this year because of what I am going through. My mum is sending me and Lacey to Scotland. I know that you haven't made a decision over it but I thought that you should know what is happening" she said as Tom looked to her and frowned

He didn't want to loose Reagan "your really going" he asked as she nodded

"Please don't hate me" she said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"Oh I could never hate you" he said as they held a look. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as they held a look

"I don't know what I am going to do but I know I can't loser you" Tom said as he pulled her to him and kissed her

But would he end up joining her in Scotland?

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