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Reagan smirked to herself as she sat on the park bench. She k new that today her mother, Nikki Boston was going for an interview for a new job, a new job at a school for head of English. Reagan knew that Nikki only wanted the job so that she could get Reagan into the school. Reagan had been kicked out of another school and she didn't car. Reagan never went to school, she hated it and the teachers made her feel as if she was worthless and would amount to nothing. Her own mother made her feel that way as Reagan hated it , it was the reason in which she lashed out. She rebelled and used it as a coping tool.

Reagan grabbed the bottle of vodka out of her bag and took a sip of it. She knew that she was breaking yet one of her mothers many rules. Drinking. Nikki was harsh on her, She knew that deep down that nikki did care and love her but she didn't feel it. She never felt the love , due to nikki believing in tough love. Reagan finished off the bottle of vodka that she had in her hand and sighed as she placed it on the par bench. She stood up and grabbed her phone before see text her friend Ryan, Ryan was Reagans friends with benefits and she knew he wanted more but she didn't. She wasn't ready for a relationship. Reagan send a text; wanna met up?-R x

Reagan smirked to herself as she sent the text. She needed to have some fun and do something to get her through the day before she got the third degree from her mother later that afternoon.


Reagan watched as Ryan stood at the end of her bed and got dressed. He smiled to her as she sat up and pulled her knees to her chest "you okay?" he asked "im fine" she said as he smiled. "okay, ill call you, yeah" he said as she nodded. Reagan sighed to herself as she wiped away the tears. She felt cheap, she knew she only had herself to blame for it. But she couldn't help feeling dirty and used. Reagan sat up from her bed and started to get dressed. She placed her underwear on and her skins and grabbed her jacket and slipped it on. She never took her top of during sex, she felt insecure about it all, about herself. Reagan looked to the time and decided that she would take a walk, to her new possible new school.

Reagan stood outside of the school when she spotted nikki. Nikki frowned and walked over ot her "what are you doing here?" she spat at Reagan who rolled her eyes "charming as always mother, I thought id check the new hell hole that your meant to be sending me too" Reagan said as nikki rolled her eyes at her daughter "Reagan, your not a student here, which means that you are trespassing" nikki said as tom walked over "everything alright?" he asked as Reagan smirked at him She watched as he took a sip of his coffee "tom, this is my daughter Reagan, she maybe starting here, if I get the job. She was just on her way home" nikki said as Reagan rolled her eyes "charming, as ever mother" Reagan said "well, maybe I can show her around. Keep her out of trouble, im Mr Clarkson, deputy head, come" he said as Reagan smirked "oh I will, don't you worry" she said as she smirked to herself and walked into the school with tom. She couldn't help but think about getting him in her bed as he lead her round the school

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