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Reagan groaned to herself as she woke up. She sat up from her bed as she was hit by the feeling of nausea. She stood up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom and threw up. She sat on the bathroom floor and groaned to herself as she pulled her knees to her chest. Reagan sighed to herself and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She heard a knock at the door and groaned "Reagan?" Nikki called "im taking a shower" Reagan called as she heard Nikki walk away. She stood up and flushed the toilet before switching the shower on. She sat on the lid of the toilet and sighed to herself. She grabbed a pregnancy test that she had hidden the night before and sighed. She knew she and tom had fooled around a few times. They hadn't be careful. Reagan took the test and rested ehr head back against the wall. She was scared. She was scared of what she would see. She sighed as she brushed her dark hair out of her face before she looked down at it and saw it was positive "shit" she said to herself. She knew that it was toms baby and knew that they weren't together. He was her teacher and it was just sex between them and nothing more.


Reagan sighed as she stood from the car. Nikki looked to her and frowned "Reagan wait" she called as Reagan sighed and turned towards her "what?" she asked as Nikki looked to her and frowned. She was worried over Reagan "are you okay? you dont seem yourself" Nikki said as Reagan spotted tom. She looked away and to Nikki "im fine, honest"  Reagan said as Nikki nodded. She wasnt so sure.

Reagan walked over to where Lauren and Josh were standing in the hall and sighed "who's ready for this exam?" Lauren asked as Reagan sighed "not m, i dont know i thing. i know im going to fail that's for sure. I haven't even revised what's so ever, i have had a lot of things on my mind" Reagan said "like a boy?" josh asked as Reagan rolled her eyes "i wouldn't call him that, hes older and its a lot worse than that" Reagan said as she sighed to herself. 


Reagan sat in her exam later that day. Lauren sat across from her as Josh walked in .Reagan and Lauren looked to each other as they noticed that josh was acting off. They watched as Josh lay on the ground and started to talk about the plague. Reagan looked to josh and than to Lauren as he ran out of the hall "come on" Lauren said as Reagan followed. She watched as tom tried to calm josh and it broke her heart. he was her best friend and she hated seeing him like this "hes been of his meds for weeks" Lauren said as Tom sighed. He looked to Reagan for a moment and smiled. She felt bad and utterly terrible for him. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She knew tom had so much to deal with that a baby wasnt what he needed.


Reagan got to toms that night and smiled as he opened the door to her "hey" she said as he smiled and walked into the living room and looked to the video that josh was making for his exam and smiled "i keep going over it all, i thought he was fine" tom sad as he sat down. Reagan took a seat next to him and smiled "how is he?" "there keeping him in for a few days, i missed the signs" tom said as she looked to him "its not your fault, i need to tell you something" Reagan said as tom looked to her and frowned "what is it?" he asked as she saw how upset she was "i--im pregnant" she said as tom looked to her shocked "its okay" he said as he pulled her to him and kissed her head. Reagan didnt know if she wanted the bay, but she did know she was utterly terrified.

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