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Reagan sat in the kitchen. It was early and she couldn't sleep. She didn't know if she had been asleep. She looked as Nikki walked into the kitchen and jumped as she saw her oldest daughter sitting there

"Are you okay" Nikki asked as Reagan frowned. She knew that she was far from okay. She had been through a lot of stress and it was getting to her. She was hearing voices and it scared her.

Nikki knew how worried that she was over Reagan. She wasn't herself at all

"Talk to me. Tell me what is going on with you and don't say nothing as I know you. You have been acting weird for ages. Is it to do with your sister as I thought that you were getting on better" she asked as Reagan sighed

"It's fine. It's not like it use to be but it's fine. Am I not allowed to be tired at all" Reagan asked as Nikki nodded

"Fine I'm sorry look how about some breakfast" Nikki asked as Reagan looked to her and smiled

"Yeah okay that would be good" Reagan said as Nikki smiled.

Nikki wasn't stupid and she knew that there was something going on with Reagan and she knew how on edge that she was and she knew that she was going to do her best to find out what it was

She knew that she wasn't going to be pushy with Reagan but she knew that she was going to find out the truth

Reagan sat in the common room as she got to school. She looked to see Lacey as she walked in

"I thought you had class" Lacey asked as Reagan smiled

"I do I just can't be bothered" Reagan said as lacey nodded

"Can I ask you something? Do you think I am making the best decision with that baby and giving it up" Lacey asked as Reagan looked to her

"You don't want to know what I think" Reagan said not looking up from the coursework that she was trying to do

"I do" Lacey said as Reagan sighed

"You want to know what I think. I think that your being selfish by giving up a baby all so you can what sleep around again? This baby is part of you and you have supper so I don't see why you could even consider giving it up" Reagan spat as she stormed off

Lacey looked after her and frowned. She knew how Reagan had spat out all that she was feeling and she was worried. Reagan had never been that harsh to her not even in over the Tom situation

Reagan sat in toms classroom and looked as he walked over to her. He was worried over her and how she had been acting

"I've been looking for you" he said as she smiled

"I have exams i counts focus a lot Is going on in my head" she said as he nodded

"Your smart Reagan you have got this. Now talk to me are you okay?" He asked as she shock her head and started to cry

Tom frowned as he pulled her into his arms and stroked her hair as she sobbed unaware of the downwards spiral that she was heading on and how Reagan would never be the same again

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