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Reagan walked into the living room. She smiled as she saw Lacey sitting there. She looked at her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Lacey shrugged and sighed. "I'm okay. I just... I don't know. The people who want the baby have said that they want to know the gender. But I don't. I'll get attached."

Reagan sat down with her. She smiled. "Then tell them that. Have they paid you yet?"

"No. They said I'll get the money when I give them the baby. They don't trust a teenager," Lacey told her.

"Then the baby is still yours."

Lacey sighed and looked at her. "I'm going back to school tomorrow. I'm so scared. But I have to at some point," she said.

"You'll be fine. I'll be by your side. No one will say anything to you. I promise. Okay?"


Reagan went into school. She saw Tom standing outside. He smiled. "Hey. You okay?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you. My sister is back tomorrow. So I'm going to be looking after her," she said.

Tom nodded and smiled. "Can I take you for dinner this weekend?" He asked.

"I don't know Tom. It's too soon after everything that happened. You... you slept with my sister. And that has damaged us. I don't think you realise that."

Tom sighed. "I do realise that. I just want to make a start at putting things right. You can understand that right?"

"I can see that yes. But too much badness has happened. And it's going to be hard to move past it. Because when I see you, I see you with Lacey. And my life shouldn't be like that. I'm a teenager for crying out loud."

Tom nodded. "I know. And I want nothing more than to get past it. I want to take it all back," he told her.

Reagan sighed. "I should go inside and go to registration. I may as well make a life for myself. I may as well work on getting the job I want," she said as she walked off.

Reagan was sitting in class. She wasn't concentrating at all. All she could think about was Tom and how hard he was trying to get her back.

She looked up as Nikki came over. She frowned. "Are you okay darling?" She asked.

"I'm fine mum. Just not concentrating. Sorry," Reagan mumbled as she looked at her. She sighed. "I feel like everything is getting too much."

Nikki sat down next to her. She smiled. "It'll be okay. I know you've been hurt. But you can get through this. I promise you," she told her.

Reagan shrugged and sighed. She just didn't know how to feel about everything that had happened. She felt like everything was getting too much for her.

Heading home that day, Reagan walked into the house. She looked and saw Lacey sitting on the sofa. "You going to walk into school with me?" She asked.

"I don't know. I don't know if I want to go back," Lacey said.

Reagan smiled and sighed. "Tom wants to take me to dinner this weekend. I don't know what I should do," she told her.

Lacey smiled. "Follow your heart. If you want to go, then go. If not, then don't. You have to do what's best for you Rea. Promise you'll do what's best for you," she said.

Reagan nodded and sighed. But could she really open her heart to Tom again?

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