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Reagan sighed to herself as she sat in her bed. She couldn't help but feel sick as she thought of what she had done. She knew that having an abortion was the right thing but she felt scared and terrified over it, she couldn't get rid of the guilt that she was feeling. Reagan sighed as she heard Nikki and Lacey who were arguing. Reagan knew that Lacey had been acting out of control for the last few weeks and Reagan was worried over her sister. She could tell that there was something bothering her. Reagan got dressed and walked down to the kitchen. She saw Nikki who looked to her and sighed "what's going on now?" She asked as Nikki looked to her and frowned "your not going to school dressed like that" Nikki said as Reagan looked to her and frowned "why not?" "Because it's revealing, go change and try and talk your sister out of being a brat" Nikki said as Reagan looked to her.

"Well I wondering who she takes after, your the one acting like a cow around here" Reagan spat at Nikki who looked to her "don't start and do as your told for once and try and not get pregnant again" Nikki snarled at Reagan who glared. Reagan stormed off as she spotted Lacey standing outside of the house and frowned "what are you doing?" She asked "waiting for you and avoiding mum. Is she starting with you two?" Lacey asked as Reagan nodded "she wants me to talk you out of being a brat" Reagan said as Lacey chuckled "says you" "shut it, you know though if there is something bothering to that you can tell me, I won't judge you" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and smiled "I know"


Later that morning Reagan got to school and frowned as she stood in the hallway. She looked to tom and frowned as she held eye contact with him before he walked off. He had been acting off and avoiding her all week ever since he told her that he loved her. Lacey stood with Reagan and frowned as they looked to see Tom as he walked off as Lacey smiled "what's up with him?" She asked as Reagan sighed and looked to her and smiled "I don't know, he's been off with me and I don't know what to do" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and smiled.

Reagan walked to the classroom after him and looked to him as he had his back to her. She closed the door behind her and sighed "what is going on with you? You have avoiding me and treating me as if I am diet, I love you" she said as she walked over to him "I don't believe you" he said as she looked to him and frowned "tell me what I've got to do to make you believe me, please" she said as she placed a hand on his cheek "don't abort our baby, oh wait it's too late" he spat as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "I thought you understood?" Reagan asked as she started to cry "well I lied" he said as she looked to him before she slapped him "go to hell" she said as she stormed off.

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