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A/n: Lacey Boston and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Reagan groaned to herself as she heard the sound of knocking and sighed. She frowned and sat up to see it was just three in the morning. She walked out of the room and down the stairs as she saw Niki who was arguing with someone. She walked down the stairs and saw Lacey. Lacey was Reagan's younger sister. Niki had abandoned Lacey and sent her to live with their grandmother. Reagan felt as if Lacey had the better life without Niki but knew just how much Lacey resented Niki for what had happened. Reagan walked down the stairs and groaned as she sat on the step “do you have to? Its too damn early" Reagan said as she ran her hands through her hair and groaned as she felt very Ill. Lacey looked to her and smiled as she ran over to her and hugged her knocking her bag onto the stairs. Reagan groaned and smiled as she looked to her little sister and smiled.

“I missed you, your not the one that abandoned me with the bile old witch" Lacey said as she looked to Niki and glared “with you drop it Lacey, I did what was best with you, I had Reagan and i feel pregnant again and I thought it was what was best" Lacey said as Reagan rolled her eyes “I’m too tired to listen to this fight, I’m going back to bed" Reagan said as she walked up the stairs and lay back in bed and rested a hand on her stomach and sighed. She didn’t know how to tell anyone that she was pregnant. It completely and utterly terrified her. She knew that Tom wanted to talk to her about it but Reagan couldn’t face him.


Reagan got to school and sighed as she stood in the hall with Lacey. Lacey wasn't too happy over starting school. Reagan spotted Tom who walked over to her and sighed to herself “he’s fit" Lacey said as she looked to Tom. Reagan looked to her and couldn’t help but glare at her “hands off, he’s mine" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her an raised an eyebrow “oh yeah?” she asked as Reagan sighed “It’s complicated" Reagan said as Tom walked over to her “ Reagan, a word" he said as she sighed and followed him to his classroom. She looked to him and crossed her arms over her chest and looked to him “who’s the girl?” he asked “my sister" she said as he frowned “You have a sister?” “You actually care?” she asked as he sighed “we need to talk about the baby" he said as she looked to him and sighed “It’s not a baby, not yet" she said “are you saying what I think your saying? Don’t do this to me? Not again. I can’t” he said as she looked to him and sighed “It’s not about you  it’s about me" she said before she stormed off.

Reagan sat outside of the school. She was mad at Tom and didn’t want to be near her or school. She felt someone sit next to her and looked to see Lacey who smiled at her. She had a bottle of vodka in her hand and smiled as she went to hand it to Reagan who shock her head. Lacey looked to her and frowned and chuckled to herself. She knew, she knew what was wrong with her sister “your pregnant aren’t you?” Lacey asked as Reagan looked to her and chuckled “is it that easy to tell?” she asked as Lacey smiled to her “Yeah, you never say no to drink. You don’t need to worry I’m not going to judge, it’s his isn’t it. The secret man you know mummy dearest cant know about it" “he wants to keep it, I’m not sure what I want” Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and smiled “I had an abortion" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her in shock. She could see how upset that she was and pulled him into a hug. Both of them unaware of Niki who was listening in.

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