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Reagan sighed as she walked back into the school house. She had been with tom the previous night and she had only got back. She closed the door and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She went to walk off to her room as Maggie stood behind her as she walked out of the kitchen and cleared her throat. Reagan turned to face her and groaned "and where have you been" she asked as Reagan looked to her and smiled innocently "no where" she said as Maggie rolled her eyes "some how I doubt that, it's five in the morning" "and I thought everyone would still be asleep" Reagan said as Maggie looked to her and sighed "you know that we have rules and you know it, I'll have to ring your mother if you keep this up" Maggie said as Reagan looked to her and chuckled "good luck with that, if you speak to her tell her high. I mean I'm her daughter and she doesn't even answer the phone to me" Reagan said walked off as Maggie looked after her and frowned

Reagan walked to her room and sighed. She started to strip off as she changed into her pjs and lay in bed trying to get a few hours sleep all that she could think about was her mum and how she and Lacey had gone to Scotland and the fact they hadn't heard from their mum for weeks. Reagan couldn't help but feel as if nikki didn't care about them. She felt unloved and unwanted and all that she wanted was her mum and her love but all she felt was empty and even if she acted if she was fine it broke her heart deep down and she didn't know how to deal with it all.


Later that day, Reagan got to school and smiled as she saw tom. He walked over to her and smiled. Tom knew he and Reagan had been having sex a lot but hey had hardly talked. Tom knew her well enough to know that she was shutting him out "I know that there is something bothering you" he said as she looked to him and smiled "come on" he said as he lead her to his classroom. He looked to her and smiled as he hugged her "talk to me" he said as she looked to him and sighed "my mum, I haven't heard from since I left. She doesn't want me. She sobbed as he looked to her and smiled "why doesn't she want me" she asked sobbing as he wrapped an arm around her and hugged her "cause she's an idiot, it's going to be okay. I promise" tom said as he held her close.


Later that day, Lacey frowned to herself as she tried to find Reagan. She knew Reagan was struggling over how nikki and left them and she was worried. She was worried over how her sister hadn't been herself. Lacey knew Reagan had bunked off of school again and sighed. She walked through the fields behind the school groaning as she tried to call Reagan. The phone went to answer phone as she groaned to herself only to hear a phone ring. She walked over and frowned as she saw a past out Reagan next to an empty bottle of vodka. But the question was, was Reagan drunk or had she taken something,

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