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Lacey sat on the hallway with tom. They were waiting on news over Reagan. Lacey was worried over her sister and she just wanted her to be play. Lacey was annoyed over how Nikki hadn't bothered to see Reagan especially when Reagan needed her the most. Lacey walked over and sat next to Tom and sighed. Lacey could tell that Tom was worried over her sister. She could tell that Tom loved and cared for her sister. Lacey looked to him and smiled as she placed a hand on top of hers and smiled "are you okay" Lacey asked as Tom sighed "I will be when she's okay, you do think that she is going to be okay don't you" Tom asked as Lacey took a hold of his hand and smiled "she will be, the thing over my sister is that she is one of the strongest people that you will ever meet and she will never let anyone down" Lacey said

"She's one of a kind" Tom said as Lacey looked to him and smiled "she certainly is, she's going to be okay. She is going to get through this surgery and she will be back to good in no time, she'll be causing trouble for everyone just you wait" Lacey said as Tom looked to her and smiled. Tom was worried that he was going to loose Reagan and he couldn't bare it if he did. Lacey stood up and sighed as she started to pace. Tom looked to her and frowned "are you okay" he asked "yeah I just do t get why she would take all those drugs not unless she was trying to kill herself. I just don't get it" Lacey says as Tom walked over to her and smiled "she's going to be okay" he said as he leant in and kissed her as Lacey started to kiss him back


Reagan woke up in her hospital room and frowned to herself. She remembered what had happened as she saw Lacey who sat at the side of her bed. Lacey looked to her and smiled "I should bloody well kill you, do you know that. I'm just glad that your okay" Lacey said as she sat next to Reagan "mum" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and smiled "I'm sorry Reagan, she's not here" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and sighed "of course she isn't" Reagan said as Lacey looked to her and smiled "it's okay, I'm here and I promise you that's it's all gong to be okay" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and smiled


Maggie walked into Reagan's hospital room and smiled as she sat next to her bed "I left your mum a message" she said as Reagan smiled slightly "what does it matter, she doesn't care" "she does but I think what matters most is getting you the help you need" Maggie said as Reagan nodded. Reagan was unaware of how her heart was going to break once she learnt over how and Lacey's kiss

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