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Nikki had decided to stick around in Greenock for a bit. She had to sort her two girls out. She wasn't going to let them continue at each other's throats.

Nikki walked into Reagan's room and sighed. "Come on love. You're in your final year. You won't remember Tom Clarkson three years from now."

Reagan rolled her eyes. "No. But I'll still be related to that selfish slut."

"Enough. I'm not having this. You and Lacey are going to sort this out once and for all. Downstairs. Now."

Reagan rolled her eyes again. She stood up and went downstairs. Nikki banged on Lacey's bedroom door.


Reagan looked up as Nikki ran downstairs. "Have you seen Lacey?" She asked.

"I wouldn't want to see her. She's a bitch."

"Enough. She isn't here. And I don't think her bed has been slept in," Nikki said as she took out her phone.

Reagan rolled her eyes and sighed. "She's probably at the school house. Don't even worry about it."

"I hope you're right."


Reagan went to school. She saw Tom standing outside with Rhiannon. "Careful Rhi. He might try and shag you," she told her.

"Reagan. Stop it. It didn't mean anything."

Reegan shrugged. "Oh please. It clearly did mean something," she said as she walked off.

Nikki ran over. "Lacey didn't stay at the school house. She's not been seen since yesterday and now she isn't at school," she told her.

Reagan shrugged and walked off. She didn't care. She didn't care about Tom and she knew she wouldn't care about what happened to her sister.


Reegan was sitting in the library. Barry walked over to her. "Alright gorgeous?" He asked.

"Hey. Fancy getting out of here?"

Barry nodded. He had wanted Reagan for ages. He pulled her up and took her out to the school yard. Reagan looked at him. "Let's get drunk."

Barry smirked and nodded. The two of them walked out of the school. Barry took her to the off license. "Wait here."

"You get the vodka. I'll wait here."

"Okay babe."


Nikki was looking for Reagan. She rolled her eyes when she couldn't see her anywhere. She was getting annoyed.

Nikki walked into the staffroom. She saw Tom. "I hope you're happy. You've ruined everything with my girls. They won't stop fighting. Both of them have gone awol. You've actually ruined them both."

Tom sighed. "Nikki."

"No. Lacey hasn't been seen since yesterday. Reagan has gone awol with Barry bloody Barry. You're the reason for this and I'm going to make sure you pay," Nikki spat as she walked off.


Reagan was lying in bed with Barry. They'd just finished having sex. Reagan looked at him. "This didn't mean anything. Right?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. Course it didn't."

Reagan nodded and sighed. She looked at him. "This was great. But it can't happen again."

"I know."


Nikki saw Reagan walking in with Barry. She stormed towards her. "You're a bloody idiot. You realise that?" She spat.

"What have I done now?"

"Going off with that moron. Do you not realise that you're in enough trouble for skiving?"

Reagan rolled her eyes. "I'm being a child for once. Instead of having to fend for myself. Cause unlike you, I don't need anyone. So back off and leave me alone."

But Nikki had no idea that Reagan was going to self destruct. And it was going to get worse before it got better.

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