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Reagan sat in the room and sighed. She knew that her head was a mess and she knew that she didn't know what to think over it all

Reagan knew that a lot had happened and she knew that she was trying to focus on her exams and she knew it wasn't easy. Reagan knew that there was voices in her head and she knew how it was getting to her

Reagan groaned as she threw a book at a walk and groaned as she stood pacing. She was trying to memorise things and she hated it

Reagan sighed as she heard a knock at the door. She looked to it and looked to see Lacey and frowned

"What's wrong with you" Lacey asked as Reagan looked to her

"Why do you ask. Your the girl who slept with my boyfriend" Reagan said as lacey looked to her and sighed

"You can act as cold hearted as you wanna but I am still your sister and I love you so I am not going to let you push me away. I know that there is something going on with you even if you won't admit it yourself" Lacey said as she walked off

Reagan sat on the floor and ran her hands through her hair and sobbed. She hated it as she knew that everything was getting to her and she had no idea how to cope with it all.

She knew that none of it was easy. Reagan knew that there was something wrong with her and she didn't know what it was and she was scared.

Reagan knew that there was something going on and she was worried


Tom sat in his classroom and sighed as he sat marking coursework. He frowned as he looked down at Reagan essay in front of him and frowned

He knew how her grades were dropping and he knew that she hadn't been herself lately and he felt sick. He wanted to be there and help her

He knew that he needed to get to the bottom of it. He stood up and walked to the common room as he saw Reagan and looked to her

"Can we talk" he asked as he grabbed her arm and lead her out of the common room and looked to her

"Are you okay? I know you and your grades have been dropping and your not yourself. I love you Reagan and you know that I'd do anything for you" Tom said as Reagan looked to him and frowned

"I'm fine" she said as tom sighed

He knew that she was far from fine

Tom frowned as he stood on the yard. There was a fire drill and he couldn't find Reagan "Nikki Reagan isn't here" Tom said as the two of them held a look

They held a look as they rushed into the school. They were both worried over her. They knew that she hadn't been herself at all

Tom frowned as he saw blood on the banister "Nikki" he said as they ran into the library. Nikki saw Reagan as she sat on the floor

"What happened" Nikki asked

"I don't know...I don't know what is wrong with me" Reagan sobbed as Nikki cleaned her bloody hand and wrapped it up and smiled as she looked to her daughter

"your going to be okay i promise we're going to get you help" Nikki said

Reagan looked to Tom as the two of them held a look. Tom was worried over Reagan and he was worried something was going to happen to Reagan but would she be okay?

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