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Reagan knew that things were different and she couldn't understand it. Reagan new that she wasn't herself and she didn't get why. She had been lashing out and she didn't know why. She felt as if she didn't care anymore

Reagan stood in the kitchen and looked to see Nikki as she walked in and looked to her

"Are we going to talk over what is going on with you?" Nikki asked as Reagan looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I don't know what you mean. I have just had enough of people and their crap so I am being honest" Reagan said as she looked to her and smiled

"This isn't honest I know you Reagan and there is something going on with you and it's not being honest. You really upset Lacey and don't act like you don't care as she is your sister and you love her" Nikki said as Reagan looked to her and sighed

"I never said that I didn't I am just sick of all her drama. Everything has to be about her or she doesn't care. She's so self centred and she slept with my boyfriend while I was in hospital and to make herself feel better and make everyone feel sorry for her and ran away like the pathetic little attention seeker she is. Now she's pregnant and giving the baby up for attention. It's all about her so I am not sorry" Reagan said as she walked off

Nikki looked after her daughter and frowned. She was worried. She knew Reagan and this wasn't her at all

Reagan got to school and smiled as she walked into the classroom and looked to see Tom

He looked to her and smiled as he pulled her close "hey are you okay?" He asked as she smiled

"I just missed you. Things are hard and I really missed you" she said as Tom looked to her and smiled.

He brushed her hair out of her face and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

Tom looked to her and smiled. He could see that there was something going on with her and he was worried. He knew Reagan more than anyone and he knew all that she had been through and he knew how he just wanted everything to be okay

"You know that no matter what happens I am here for you and I love you" he said as he look to her and smiled

Reagan sat in the common room and frowned. She knew that her head was a mess and it scared her.

She ran her hands through her hair and groaned. She knew that she wasn't okay and that she was telling everyone that she was. She knew that she was far from okay and the voices in her head got to her and scared her

Reagan groaned to herself as she slipped her head phones in and pulled her knees to her chest. Nikki stood in the doorway as she stood watching her daughter.

She was worried and she was scared. She knew that there was something up with her daughter and she had no idea how her mental health was going to spiral and how Reagan was never going to be the same again

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