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Nikki arrived back in Greenock. She had gotten the dozens of calls from Maggie about Reagan and Lacey. She knew she needed to sort her two girls out and she wasn't leaving until she had sorted them out.

Pulling up outside the school house, Nikki sighed knowing that when she went inside, there would no doubt be war.

Maggie opened the door and sighed. "They've been going nonstop at each other."

"What happened?" Nikki asked as she walked inside. She saw the look on Maggie's face. "Mag?"

"Lacey kissed the guy Reagan likes. And she's kind of upset about it. Well I say upset, I mean angry. They've been fighting."

Nikki sighed. She knew that both her girls had fierce tempers. She nodded. "Where are they?" She asked.

"Lacey is in her bedroom. She won't come down. Reagan is sitting doing her homework."

Nikki nodded. She walked into the living room to see Reagan sitting there. "So come on. What's going on? Why are you and your sister about to kill each other?" She asked.

"What sister? I don't have a sister."

Nikki rolled her eyes. "Yes you do. Your little sister. Lacey. The one who needed us and we weren't there for her."

Reagan shrugged. "I don't care. She hurt me. And for that, I hope she gets hit by a bus. Cause I won't cry for her," she said.

Nikki said nothing as she looked at Maggie who nodded. "They've been like this for ages. And it's not fair on either of them," she said.

"I know. I'll sort it."


The next morning, Reagan sat in the library. Tom walked over to her. "Your mum is back. Does she know?" He asked.

Reagan shook her head. "Yes. Scared you'll lose your job? Shame isn't it," she spat.

Tom sighed. "You realise you could get into trouble too? We had sex more than once. I only kissed Lacey."

"I don't care. You broke my heart and you won't get away with it. Neither will that little skank."

"She's your little sister."

"I don't care. The word sister doesn't mean anything to her. So why should it to me?"

Tom sighed. He knew he had hurt Reagan. And that she wouldn't forgive him. But he wasn't giving up.


Nikki saw Lacey and smiled. "How are you?"

"Why do you care? You haven't bothered for the last couple of months. So why would you now care?" Lacey spat.

Nikki sighed. "I know you're mad at me. But I didn't think you and your sister would be going at each other."

"Reagan has made it perfectly clear. She doesn't have a sister. I'm a nobody."


Nikki saw the two girls in the corridor. She walked over when she saw them fighting. "Break it up!"

"You all wanna know who Lacey cheated with? Tom Clarkson. Yes. That's right. Mr Clarkson here has been sleeping with a pupil. And that little slag over there, kissed him."

Everyone looked between Tom and Lacey. Lacey grabbed her bag and walked off. Reagan scoffed. "Go Lacey. And never come back!" Reagan yelled.

"Calm it now!"

Reagan scoffed and walked off. Nikki knew she needed to repair the damage with her girls. But with everything going to go wrong, could Nikki fix the relationship with Lacey and Reagan?

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