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Reagan has finally been discharged from the hospital. She had been recovering from the surgery but Reagan didn't know why but she felt as if everything was different and it worried her. She had no idea how tom and Lacey had kissed when she was in a coma. Reagan got dressed for the day and sighed to herself as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she walked through the school house and into the dining room and smiled as she saw Maggie. Maggie looked to Reagan and smiled "how are you love?" Maggie asked as Reagan looked to her and smiled "I'm fine, I'll be okay" Reagan said as Maggie smiled. She looked to the young girl that was in her care and smiled as she sat down. Reagan sat with Lacey as she sat texting tom "he's going off of me, I know that he is. He's been off of me since I overdosed" Reagan said

Lacey looked to her and smiled. She felt uncomfortable at the mention of Tom knowing that Tom had kissed her while Reagan was having surgery. "Tom is crazy about you, you have nothing to worry about, you just need to be patient. He's a man after all" Lacey said as Reagan looked to her and smiled. Reagan knew that Tom had been distant with her and it worried her as she felt as if he was going off of her and she knew that everything that she had been through which was a lot that she didn't want to loose Tom. He was all that she had that was keeping her sane. Reagan looked to her phone and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She didn't know what to think but knew she had to trust Tom for now


Lacey walked into toms classroom as she got to school. Tom looked to her and frowned "Lacey? How can I help you" He asked as Lacey looked to him and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed "we need to talk, Reagan needs to know about us, about the kiss. She isn't stupid and she knows something is up and I can't lie to her, I can't just do it. She's my sister" Lacey said as Tom looked to her and sighed "I know that you fell guilty but so do i but we can't just do this as Reagan will never forgive us Lacey. We just have to find a way to life with it" Tom said.

Lacey looked to him and sighed. She knew he was right but she hated lying and she knew or would only be so long until the truth came out "promise you won't tel Reagan over the kiss" Tom asked as she looked to him and smiled "I promise" Lacey said unaware that Reagan was standing outside of the classroom and over heard, she knew that Tom had cheated on her and she was angry. She was out for revenge.

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