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Reagan stood in shock as she looked at Lacey. She looked awful. "What happened to you?" She asked.

Lacey sighed. "I haven't come to start. I want to get some clean clothes. And I know. You told me to never come home."

Reagan shook her head. "No. Stay. We miss you here. Me and mum. It's not the same without you. So please. Stay."

"I can't. I hurt you too badly," she mumbled. She looked at her. "I know it doesn't mean much. But I am sorry," she told her.

Reagan walked over to her and smiled. She pulled her into a hug. "I forgive you. Please just come back."

Lacey looked at her. She didn't know if she could. She sighed. "I-I can't."

Nikki walked into the staffroom. Michael was there. "Hey Nik. Thought I should let you know that Reagan was seen leaving school today. I don't know where she's gone. But given what's going on, I'll let her off this once," he said.

Nikki sighed and nodded. She smiled. "Thanks Michael. I'll talk to her when I get home. I don't know what's going on with her. But I'll get to the bottom of it."

"Okay. Thanks Nikki."

Reagan smiled as Lacey walked out of the bathroom. She looked a lot better. "So, where have you been?" She asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. I just... it's too hard."


"I hit Lower than rock bottom Rea. And it was horrible. I was off the deep end."

Reagan walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She smiled. "You're home now. Let's focus on that."

Lacey looked at her. "Are you sure you want me back? I can always go."

"I missed you. I know what I said. But you're my little sister. So I have to regret what I said. I missed you so much Lacey. You're back for good."

Nikki walked into the house. She frowned as she heard Reagan laughed. She walked into the living room. "Lacey?"


Nikki looked at Reagan. She frowned. "You found her?"

"She found us. I'm not mad at her anymore. I know it's going to take us some time to get through this. But I think we can," Reagan said.

The next morning, Nikki took Reagan into school. Reagan smiled at her mum. "Everything is going to get back to normal now mum. I promise," she said.

"I hope so love. I just don't want anymore arguing with us. We're a family and we have to make this work."

Reagan smiled. She got out the car and walked inside. She looked to Tom as he walked over to her. "Hey. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay. I wanted you to be the first to know. Lacey came back. She's at home where she'll be a for a few weeks," she said as she walked off.

Tom sighed. He knew that he wanted Reagan back. But after everything that had happened with them both, he didn't think it would be possible.

Tom had one mission in mind. And it was going to be him getting Reagan back. He couldn't imagine his life without her.

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