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Reagan groaned as she woke up. She grabbed her phone off of the side and seen a text off of Josh. She smiled to herself seeing that he was back to school. She was glad that he was better and gladder that she was going to have her best friend back at school with her. Reagan stood from the bed and started to get dressed for school. She walked down to the kitchen and sighed to herself as she noticed that Niki had already left for work. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she noticed a note off of her telling her not to be late. Reagan grabbed a banana off of the side before she seen off a text off of josh asking her to meet him. Reagan got to school and met up with josh "your back" she said as she hugged him. He smiled to her "miss me?" He asked as she chuckled "maybe, a little" she said as he chuckled. Reagan walked into the school with him and spotted tom, they held eye contact for a moment and Reagan looked away. She couldn’t help but feel awkward knowing what had happened between them. She didn't want to do anything that will ruin her friendship with josh but she knew that she couldn't resist whatever it was, that she had with tom.

Niki walked over to Reagan and she groaned to herself as she saw just how pissed that she seemed "oh great" Reagan mumbled to herself. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed "Reagan" Niki said as Reagan looked to her "mother" "where were you last night, you didn’t get in until three" "oh, you noticed, that’s a first" Reagan said as Niki sighed "cut the attitude Reagan, where were you?" Niki asked "I was out, it's called having fun maybe you should try it sometime" Reagan said "Reagan" "leave me alone" Reagan said as she pushed past Niki and walked off to find josh.


Reagan sat in the library and looked to Niki who was teaching. She rolled her eyes slightly "if it isn't mother of the year" Reagan said as Niki shot her a glare. Niki walked over to where Reagan was sitting at the computer. She walked over and grabbed Reagans arm. She winced slightly "cut the attitude, or I mean it you will be grounded until your thirty" Niki said as Reagan shot her a glare "you wouldn’t?" "try me" Niki said as Reagan sighed to herself. Reagan looked over to where josh was sitting opposite her and started to freak out. She frowned to him and started to be concerned. She walked over to him "josh, calm down" she said as he looked to her and started to breathe again. She looked to Finn and they both held the same look, they were both worried over their friend.


Reagan walked down the hall and walked towards tom's classroom. She wanted answers and knew that he had them. She walked into the classroom and he looked to her for a moment and sighed "what is it?" He asked as she walked over to him and crossed her arms over her chest "what is going on with josh?" She asked as he started to hand some books out of her. She sighed and walked over to him "it nothing" he said as she sighed "I know that there is something going on with him" Reagan said as he turned to face her "look, its none of your business" he said as she rolled her eyes "don't act all cold with me, okay, I am concerned about josh okay, he freaked out in the library and you and I know that there is something going on" Reagan said as tom turned to face her and sighed "don’t tell me how to be a father" he said as she looked to him and glared.

They glared at each other for a moment before he grabbed her and lifted her onto the desk and kissed her. She kissed him back and ran her hands through his hair and moaned. She felt his hands move up her skirt and smirked into the kiss. She undid his belt and he pushed into her and she moaned as he moved in and out of her She bite her lip and moaned loudly as they reached their high. Reagan looked to tom and sighed slightly "josh needs to know what he's going through, you know that right" Reagan said as tom looked to her and nodded. She looked to him and smiled before she walked out of the room.

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