Chapter Four: Jasmine Tea

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There was great murmuring outside her chamber doors and they both snapped their heads to that direction. Then the double doors opened and in walked Iroh.

Zuko forgot that he was in the wrong place; he scrambled to his feet and greeted his uncle.

Iroh smiled warmly at Zuko. “Ahh well if it isn’t my nephew Prince Zuko, the guards told me you were in here with our guest.”

“Uncle Iroh.” He grinned.

“Iroh?” (Y/N) muttered, her eyes filled with uncertainty. The man before him looked just like the human she met in the spirit world.

Zuko turned to (Y/N), his eyebrows furrowed. She knew his uncle?

Iroh turned to Mia and bowed his head respectfully.

(Y/N)'s gaze shifted to Zuko who was smiling up at Iroh as if he were the sun. The admiration in his eyes was overflowing. So this was the person that Iroh changed for then.

Zuko scratched the back of his neck shyly, aware that (Y/N) had her eyes trained on him now.

“I-I was just trying to say hello.”

“That’s quite alright. You have to return to your chambers before anyone else finds you here though. Don’t worry, I’ve told the guards not to tell anyone you were here.”

Zuko nodded understandingly and turned to (Y/N).

He smiled brightly at her. “I’ll see you soon.”

She nodded. “Goodbye Zuko.”

When he had left and the door closed behind him Iroh fell to his knees and lowered his head until his temple touched the warm tiled floor.

“Forgive my father and all my comrades.” He begged. A spirit creature such as herself was too pure to be treated like this and held captive of. It was cruel and for him to be a part of her capturers made his stomach sick.

(Y/N) smiled softly and stood up. She walked over to him and knelt down in front of him.

She touched his shoulder. “Please stand up, Iroh.”

Iroh complied and stood up.

She grinned up at him. “You look happier, Iroh.”

He smiled with sadness in his warm eyes. “All thanks to you.”

“I’m happy to help.” She chuckled.

She walked back to the hearth to watch the flames dance in their contained place; the flames in the hearth were much like her.

“We must have drink jasmine tea and discuss your salvation.” Iroh declared in a jolly manner.

(Y/N) turned, feeling the flames of will and hope flicker stronger inside of her. He was going to help her escape?

She gasped and stammered back animatedly when she saw that he had somehow miraculously produced two tea cups and a teapot with steaming hot water.

She sweated. “H-how did-“

He laughed a loud hearty laugh that made her feel at ease and welcomed. His whole demeanor was cordial and easy-going. He had reached enlightenment.

“Come sit and enjoy the finest Jasmine tea you’ve ever been served in the human or spirit world.”

She sat down and smiled when the warm aroma of jasmine tea wafted up into the air.

“I love tea.” (Y/N) chirped.

Iroh poured hot water into their cups. “Forgive my curiosity but why did you come into the Physical Realm child? Wouldn’t it be safer for you to remain in the Spirit World?”

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