Chapter Thirty Nine: War Council

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Zuko awoke up before the sun had even peaked over the ocean. Today would be the day his uncle would let him go into the war chamber with him.

He had remembered pleading to his uncle to take him but of course Iroh had him prepare himself and wait for the next meeting; finally, the day had arrived.

His room was aglow with the soft, fiery light of dawn. A quartet of servants bustled around, each expertly attending to the preparations of Prince Zuko for his day. Prince Zuko sat with his back straight and his amber eyes fixed on his reflection in the ornate, polished mirror.

The servants, wearing traditional Fire Nation clothing, worked in perfect harmony, their movements choreographed like a well-practiced dance. One servant gently combed through Zuko's long, raven-dark hair, removing any tangles, while another skillfully winds it into a high bun at the top of his head. A third servant carefully fastened the Fire Nation headpiece, a magnificent crimson phoenix-shaped ornament, into the bun, ensuring it sits proudly atop the prince's head.

He wore a formal ensemble in rich shades of red and black, the colors of his nation, he thought with a growing sense of pride. The tunic was made of the finest silk, embroidered with intricate gold patterns that represented the strength and honor of the Fire Nation. The sleeves were slightly flared, and it ended in elegant black cuffs.

A sash, the emblem of royalty, was tied around Zuko's waist, and it trailed behind him like a scarlet banner. His trousers are expertly tailored, allowing for freedom of movement, and his boots are adorned with golden detailing, reflecting his status as the prince.

As the servants continued their meticulous work, Prince Zuko gazed at himself in the mirror, his amber eyes filled with determination and a touch of apprehension. Today was the day he’d finally be able to attend a meeting in the war chamber.

Zuko took a deep breath, steadying himself for the challenges that lie ahead.

After the servants had prepared him for his day, he began revising his notes along with all the previous war plan logs in the library.

He’d be prepared for every possible scenario. He’d show his father that he was a competent son and heir to the throne. But more importantly he’d be leading his people.

By the time the servant arrived in his study room to fetch him he’d have reread at least four different scrolls highlighting strategies from how his grandfather wiped out the Air Nomads to the recent last Waterbender tribe in the South Pole.

He was met with his uncle at the entrance of the war room.

Iroh gave him a stern look, “Do not forget the only rule I have told you.”

“Of course, I promise I won’t speak out of term, I only want to observe and learn. If I’m going to rule this great nation one day, I should learn all that I can now.” Zuko said, grinning with anticipation.

Iroh chuckled, admiring the young prince’s determination. “As long as you remain quiet and just observe you will learn a lot, Prince Zuko.”

Zuko smiled thankfully. Although he was anxious about the war council, he knew that he had prepared himself for anything and that this was what he was born for; this was his moment to prove himself to his father. His presence would show his father that he cared about the war and about his role as the future Fire Lord.

They walked in past the fire nation curtains guarded by two tall bulky fire nation soldiers and into a room brightly lit by a wall of fire.

The imposing War Room of the Fire Nation was awash with the low hum of hushed conversations and the warm, flickering light of flames that dance along the crimson walls. Elderly generals clad in their fiery regalia stood between six large marble pillars, with a long map stretching across at the center. Each of these elderly generals came bearing the weight of years of experience and battles fought.

At the far end of the table facing the curtain of flames, bathed in the fiery glow, was a sight that made Zuko almost stumble in his step.

His jaw tightened when he saw (Y/N). She stood beside a few generals, her beauty bordering on the ethereal, standing with poise and grace amidst the seasoned warriors.

She wore the formal attire of the Fire Nation, a crimson gown with elegant black accents, tailored to perfection. Her (H/C) hair was pulled back in a sleek and intricate bun, accentuating her angelic features – sharp, flawless, and poised.

As she gazed at the war map, her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of (E/C), gleamed with intelligence and resolve. Her presence was magnetic, her youth was a stark contrast to the grizzled countenances of the older generals, yet they regarded her with the utmost respect and reverence.

He’d managed to not think about her for two whole days and seeing her so suddenly caught him off guard; it was hard to ignore how impossibly beautiful she looked there in that moment; both fierce and yet somehow gentle.

Of course, she’d be here but he hadn’t really prepared himself to see her here.

Zuko realized then that he’d never seen her in this light; she was a perfect soldier even at such a young age.

“Oh look, there’s (Y/N).” Iroh grinned, walking towards her only to be tugged back frantically by his nephew.

“Yes yes Uncle, I saw her. She looks busy let’s just leave her alone.” Zuko blurted, grinning sheepishly so his Uncle wasn’t suspicious of anything.

“But she looks so beautiful, why not go say hello.” Iroh gushed.

Zuko watched her with a glimmer of sadness in his eyes. “I can’t right now, Uncle.”

Suddenly she looked up, her gaze sweeping across the map as their eyes met.

He swallowed and looked away, hoping the light from the wall of flames wouldn’t highlight his reddened cheeks.

It wasn’t like he meant to get caught staring but it was hard not to look at her. He had to remind himself that she didn’t care about him . . . not the way he cared about her; he was here to observe and learn all that he could from the war council.

In his attempt to avoid her, he soon found himself counting the wooden pieces on the war map to distract his thoughts.

Suddenly all the talking seized all at once as if it were clockwork and everyone turned to the throne.

‘Good, it’s starting.’

They bowed as the Fire Lord was carried in by servants. The silhouette of the Fire Lord Ozai was large and foreboding behind the flames, a presence that was drenched with authority and power.  Finally, when the Fire Lord was settled everyone sat down and the meeting began.

It started by one of the generals listing all of the defeats and victories of the Fire Nation’s battalion that were scattered throughout the colonies dealing with revolutions and fighting the Earth Kingdom. After a bit of time spent there the discussion moved to the strategic war plans; what he had been anticipating for.

General Shin probed the map as he spoke, “The earth kingdom’s defenses are concentrated here. It consists of a dangerous battalion of their stronger benders and fiercest warriors.”

“What do you recommend, General?” (Y/N) asked, her voice clear and smooth as it swept across the war room.

The General pushed the wooden figure placed on the map across towards the other figures that signified the Earth Kingdom.

“I recommend the 41st Division.” He replied.

(Y/N) looked up sharply and Zuko noticed the sudden movement. It piqued his interest.

“But the 41st Division is made up entirely of recruits, how do you expect a batch of inexperienced and fresh soldiers to defeat a powerful earth kingdom battalion?” She asked sharply.

The old man smirked cynically, “I don’t. They’ll be used as a distraction while we mount an attack from the rear. What better to use as bait than fresh meat?”

(Y/N) clenched her teeth.

Zuko sprung to his feet, fast as lightning, catching the whole room by surprise.

“You can’t sacrifice an entire division like that. Those soldiers love and defend our nation, how can you betray them!” He yelled fiercely.

(Y/N)’s eyes widened in shock.

All the other Generals turned to Zuko. Their faces were contorted into rage at his act of insolence.

The wall of fervid flames behind him burst up, shooting through the ceiling and drenching the room in a bright light.

“Silence!” The Fire Lord roared, his looming presence behind the flames morbid and tenebrous. “What you have just done is the highest level of disrespect. The only way to resolve this is through Agni Kai.” He thundered.

Zuko bowed before the Fire Lord.

“I accept.” He said with the purest conviction that made (Y/N)’s jaw tighten.

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