Chapter Six: The Royal Family

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The doors to the dining hall opened almost dramatically by two servants. The dimness of the hallway was flooded with light from the dining room. There was a long table filled with an assortment of food and a variety of meat. It was a fancy setting and the people sitting around the table were even more dazzling.

So this was the whole royal family?

At the head was the Fire Lord Azulon himself, proud and eminent. By his right was Iroh and his left was the other man who sat by Iroh in the Throne Room; this must be Prince Ozai. His features were sharp and his gaze was cold, he was an exact replica of his father. Iroh smiled warmly at her whilst Ozai just gazed down at her with indifference in his dark eyes. They were like polar opposites.

Beside Ozai was the beautiful Ursula; she looked more stunning than she did just mere moments ago. Seated next to her were Zuko and Azula. They were both finely dressed.

She didn't meet anyone else's gaze as she walked into the room. The chair at the tail of the table was moved for her by a servant.

"Welcome (Y/N), please do take a sit." Azulon's voice boomed.

She did as she was told.

"Now that we are all here, let us begin."

She looked at the various food in front of her and at her plate then looked up, directly across from her was Azulon with her token hung around his neck.

A dragon is known for its pride; it bows to no one unless worthy. Her hands clenched into fists and she looked down to calm herself.

In the spirit world hunger is a thing of stories, but here in the physical plane, she could feel her body weakening the longer she refused food.

She was hungry but to be ordered around and blackmailed to a fancy dinner like this? She'd rather starve.

"I hope you like the meal, young Dragoness, the finest chefs in the whole Fire Nation prepared it." Iroh said, his warm booming voice sounded above the silence and moving of cutlery on ceramic.

(Y/N) looked at Iroh and he nodded, silently encouraging her to eat.

She sighed in defeat and finally reached for a chopstick. She could feel eyes on her but she ignored it. All anyone ever did in this dreadful nation was stare.

Although everything on the table looked delicious, she only placed three pak choi's in her plate.
No one else spoke after that so there was just silence.

She took her first bite at the same time Azula spoke.

"So you know good fire bending." Azula said, toying with her carrots as she looked at (Y/N).

(Y/N) swallowed and for the first time that night she really looked at Azula. She was a very beautiful child with a small face and perfect eyes, but there was something about her calculative gaze as she looked at (Y/N) that made Azula look like the female version of Azulon.

Everyone else wasn't looking at (Y/N) but the room quieted down as the royal family waited her response to the Princess.

"I don't fire bend." (Y/N) said, looking back down at her greens. She had two left.

"Then what was that fancy bending in the Throne Room?" Azula asked accusingly.

(Y/N) didn't feel like entertaining a royal child so she said nothing and ate another pak choi. One last one left.

After a moment of silence with no response Azula got irritated.

"Well Little Dragon?!" She asked impatiently.

(Y/N)'s eye twitched at the nickname 'Little Dragon.'

"It's called a Dragon Dance Azula, now stop bugging her." Zuko snapped lowly just enough for Azula alone to catch.

Azula turned to him stunned he butted in. She smirked.

"Awww Zuzu. First time standing up and it's to defend your girlfriend." She cooed in her whisper.

Zuko ignored her and glanced across the table to (Y/N). She was looking down at her plate, her gaze blank.

Azula raised her voice across the room and said, "Maybe you can teach me."

(Y/N) said nothing.

Azula turned to her father, "Father I've excelled well in my fire bending, would I be allowed to learn from the Dragon herself? It would really help me excel in my practice."

"We'll see about that." Ozai said, the slightest of smile on his face.

Azula beamed a flashing smile at her father.

Ozai smirked. "Just as soon as our guest gets comfortable here."

Zuko watched as (Y/N)'s eyes flashed orange for a second and she clenched her teeth, her jaw flexing as she looked down at her clenched fists. His gaze softened.

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