Chapter Twenty Six; Deal

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Hello gorgeous souls❤️
I hath returned. Was M.I.A due to personal mental health issues; I was doing a bunch of things all at once and it was overwhelming so I took a long break from writing but I'm back. Thank you so much for reading this story.
Now that I'm back I'm hoping to finish this fanfic by the end of this year so buckle up for fast updates❤️

This chapter is dedicated to

And a special decision to my homegurl TryxiePyxie



inner was so awkward it would take a whole flank of waterbenders to slice through the thick atmosphere in the Royal Dinning Hall.

Azula sat next to Zuko and on the opposite side was Scylla. The Fire Lord and Iroh did not dine with them as they had pressing matters to discuss with the war.

Zuko, who was sitting directly opposite Scylla seemed to be so invested in eating he didn’t look up from his plate for the entirety of the evening.

Azula was smirking slyly and looking between the Dragoness and Zuko. She was aware that the main reason her brother wasn’t looking anywhere else was because he was still embarrassed about what happened a few hours ago; fainting in Scylla’s arms.

Scylla ate a small portion and was already full; the Island had permanently destroyed her appetite. However she remained seated on the table nibbling on a slice of apple pie. As long as the royals remained sitting, she would too.

“So Scylla,” Azula finally sliced through the silence.

Zuko coughed and choked on his food.

Azula paused and glanced at her brother who was coughing and frantically reaching for a glass of water with pity and second hand embarrassment etched onto her regal features.

Scylla kept her eyes locked on the princess. “Yes, Princess Azula?”

With a red flustered face, Zuko gulped down a large glass of water and slumped his head on the table in defeat. At this point he doubted he had any salvageable dignity left in front of Scylla.

Ignoring her brother, Azula continued. “You’ve been here for under a week, I doubt you’ve been around outside the palace walls. It is quite beautiful; I will have my servants fetch you in the evening so we can go for a tour.” Then she pursed her plump red lips and added in an almost rushed tone, “wouldyouliketocome.”

Scylla’s glacial eyes softened for an instant at the Princesses odd tone and question that sounded like a statement.

‘Strange…where have I heard that tone before?’

“Of course, Princess,” Scylla replied in a monotone, “I’d be delighted.”

Zuko slumped miserably in his seat, still face down on the table.

Azula rolled her eyes.

“And Prince Zuko will also be accompanying us; he has been outside the palace walls with Uncle more times than I have.”

Zuko perked up at the statement and looked at his sister suspiciously.

“I have?” He blurted.

Azula gave him a sharp glare.

He instantly realized what she was doing and nodded vigorously, “I have.”

“Great, then it’s settled.” Azula said and stood up.

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