Chapter Fifteen: Oil and Water

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This chapter is dedicated to Ghost_Guard_13

If you're wondering if there will be a time skip soon the answer is not until a three more chapters. The reason is because of the plot, these next few chapters are important. Also there's no reason to rush the process. I don't write rushed fanfictions (if you've read my Tokyo Ghoul fanfictions you'll understand why), I prefer putting effort into gradually shaping the story. So yeah lol, this is gonna be one long ass fanfiction 😂

And right now you and Zuko are just close friends, although he does have a small crush on you, you're both still 11 so no romantic stuff until later, have some cookies in the meantime

*offers cookies*

So far I've been updating once every two days or so, I'll try to keep this momentum up. Two updates per week.

Thanks for reading, please don't forget to vote, votes and comment's motivate me to get new chapters out faster


"Again." Li and Lo ordered in unison.

(Y/N) felt sweat trickling down the corner of her brow. She wiped it and got into a basic firm stance. She had been attempting this form for an hour but still wasn't near the impeccable movements that were acceptable to Li and Lo. They taught her etiquette as well as bending. Although (Y/N)'s skills were already far more advanced than most bender, Li and Lo pointed out that she lacked control in her movements that were otherwise erratic and ferocious.

Her hair was tied up into a messy bun, chubby cheeks rosy, breathing shallow. She was dressed in simple red sparring attire.

It was midday and the sky was clear. They were outside in a clearing that was used for training, the floor was covered in concrete slabs in a large circle, Li and Lo stood by the pillars surrounding the training area.

There were soldiers all around the vicinity, each within a one meter radius of each other. During her training that was when security was buffed up, she noticed. They watched her closely, mesmerized by the sheer amount of flames she could wield. Her bending was different. The flames she produced were large and extending 6 meters before her even though she was just practicing forms. Her movements had grace but were strong and resolute; like a dragon. It made them both respect and fear the girl.

Her bending flames were light yellow, as pure as gold and as hot as the burning sun. The guards watched her bend with awe, they'd been guarding her for three weeks and two days now, although rumors had spread beyond the palace walls of a powerful deadly fire bender ordained be Fire Lord Azulon himself dubbed the Dragoness, there was nothing dangerous about the girl, she seemed harmless and peaceful most of the time.

They all watched as she clenched her fist. It didn't matter how many times she did this stupid form, it seemed basic enough but her body was heavy when she spun to finish the form. (Y/N) knew every universal form of fire bending by instinct, it was in her nature. This technique was different; fire bending techniques had evolved over the last hundred years.

She spread her hand out and thrust her right fist forward. A massive wave of fire extended from her fist, making the guards at the receiving end inch back from the heat. She whirled and kicked, feeling energy pass from the center of her head to the base of her foot, just as Li and Lo had instructed. Turning around she swiped her hand in a circular movement, creating a large ring of fire twice her width.

Li and Lo nodded in approval.

(Y/N) then swiped her hand between the circle of flames, directing them to her right and left hand before whirling around and finally spreading her palms in a firm stance where her right knee was bent and her left leg extended; the flames raced out of each palm, like extensions of her arm.

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