Chapters Twenty Five: Faint of Heart

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This chapter is dedicated to SarenityWarren ❤️👑


Scylla stared off into the direction of a cherry blossom tree, pink leaves scattering onto the surface of an empty pond. She felt her heart sink somehow, as if there was an anchor weighing her down.

“Beautiful garden, isn’t it?” Iroh said.

She turned, nodding.

They continued walking. “Although it hasn’t changed much since you were last here.”

Scylla visibly stiffened. The past wasn’t something she dwelt on; in fact she had no memories of the palace, just knowledge that she had been here before the Island. The lingering scent of the musky soil and droplets of water that trickled onto damp floor from the low ceiling always haunted her. The past didn’t matter anymore.

Iroh had asked for a meeting with her, as he was the Fire Lords brother and former General she couldn’t refuse. He was also a founding member of the White Lotus.

“How are you liking it here so far?”

“Better than The Island.”

“And what of your Dance?” Iroh asked.

In the legends her Dragon Dance was what strengthened the art of fire bending, but Iroh knew that wasn’t entirely the truth, much like all the folklore that surrounded her kind. It hid something else; something ominous. It was something even the White Lotus knew very little about.

“It’s regulated every 7 years, 5 has passed so it will be done in 2 years.”

There was a stretch of silence and Scylla knew the old man was trying not to ask.

“Look if you’re afraid I would risk the balance of the Spirit and Human World by mixing my duties to our Fire Lord with my duties as a Spirit then you, nor the White Lotus, have nothing to fear; it will be done, as it has been for over hundreds of years.”

Iroh breathed a sigh of relief.

They stopped by a fountain. Scylla felt goose bumps. Someone was watching her. She was about to turn when Iroh’s voice stopped her.

“The White Lotus stands by you, as it did four years ago.”

She turned to him, (E/C) eyes meeting his sober gaze. “I’m guessing that is until I get my Token back.”

“Over the years we have respected the balance that your kind has maintained,” said Iroh in a deep startling voice, “however you are no longer a Child of Fire, are you?”

“Well not exactly,” She smirked. “Although my duties to the Fire Lord are unquestioned as that is where my loyalty now lies, I take interest in maintaining the balance just as much as the White Lotus.”

“You cannot play both sides, Child.”

Scylla turned to the fountain, watching the streams around the sculpted comet flow down to the bottom tiers.

“Consider me a double edged blade."

"One that can cut it's own head." said Iroh.

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