Chapter Seventeen: Calm Before The Storm

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This chapter is dedicated to -POOPIEBUTT6901.

This chapter is crazy long and I'm tired out but it was worth it. Enjoyy lovelies ❤️❤️


That night (Y/N) woke up with a start, panting and covered in sweat. She was asleep when she felt it; that sharp pain in her heart, so deep she felt it puncture her soul. It wasn’t her pain, it was Hisashi’s.

He couldn't have left the Spirit World and followed her here, could he? She ran her hands through her hair, the tangled knots only led to more frustration. She tried searching for him in her mindscape but she couldn’t find him.



Hisashi please if you’re here just respond I promise I won’t be mad.’

‘Okay fine that was a lie I would be pissed but please just say something if you’re here.’

There was just an echo in her mind where he would’ve been if he were in the human world. There was no response. He couldn’t travel to the human world without her, and she couldn’t travel to the spirit world without him…unless he went to an Entry Point in the Spirit World and travelled here.

She couldn’t sleep after that thought entered her mind. Her History tutor commented on the dark bags under her eyes when she walked into the library the next day but (Y/N) ignored her, letting her shrill voice drone into the backdrop of her worries. She spent the majority of her day calling Hisashi in her mind, but got no response. It was either he was the Spirit World and in pain or in the Human World…and unconscious.

The more her rampant thoughts lingered on the latter the more anxious and worried she became.

(Y/N) had promised him she’d do everything in her power to retrieve her weapon back and return to the Spirit World. Did she take too long? She just had to wait two more days.

The wait was almost torturous. Not knowing if he were alive or not, in the Spirit or Physical world tore her apart. She was constantly worried. It didn’t matter how many times she tried checking, there was no response at all.

After her History lesson, which she barely paid any attention to, she made her way back to her room escorted by four guards. She felt numb.

Opening her door, (Y/N) paused by the entrance as her gaze locked onto the prominent stature of the Fire Lord standing in the center of her room. She froze; he’d been absent for a week now.

His back was to her, facing the hearth. The flickering flames cast his shadow against the wall, elongated and stretching to the ceiling; almost as if reflecting the monster he was on the inside.

“What do you want, Fire Lord.” She said calmly, but her tone was sharper than a serrated needle.

He chuckled. “Three weeks and five days captivated and you still speak to me in that tone.”

She scowled, eyes glaring daggers. Did he really just come in here to antagonize her? She was not in the mood.

Azulon finally turned to face her and what he held in his hand made her heart drop in her chest.

“What is this?” He asked curiously, turning the dragon Zuko had made for her around in his hand to inspect.

“Drop it.” (Y/N) all but ordered the Fire Lord.

“Is it a doll? Looks just like your dragon, Child. And the craftsmanship; merciless. They certainly spared all the expense.” He lightly threw it into the air and caught it, just to feel the weight as it landed in his open palm.

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