Chapter Five: The Fire Lord's Request

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(Y/N) was by the Hearth when the door burst open. The slow, yet heavy steps into the threshold alerted her of the Fire Lord's presence.

It had been three days since Iroh and Prince Zuko had visited her, since then she had been kept under heavy supervision. Every evening two nurses would come in and check her healing wounds before the servants came to bath her.

During her fight with the Fire Lord, he had stabbed her in her lower abdomen to keep her down when he took her Token forcefully. That stab wound, although large but missing all vital organs, was still slowly healing. She wasn't used to her wounds taking this long to heal, the longer she was away from the Spirit World, and the more it was taking a toll on her.

"Good evening, (Y/N)." The Fire Lord greeted warmly as if greeting an old friend.

She turned to him, her (E/C) eyes narrowed. Azulon was an old man with greying hair tied up neatly. His eyes were hard and calculative, even his steps into the threshold were slow and deliberate.

She bared her teeth at him defiantly, her eyes colder than ice and fiercer than a burning inferno.

He chuckled, "Now now, settle down. I'm not here to antagonise you. I'm actually here to invite you to dinner. Eat with my family and I, you're not a prisoner here, you're a guest."

She scoffed. "A guest would imply I'm free to go whenever I want. So can I go back home?"

"Don't be silly," He stepped forward, his tall stature menacing, "This is your new home."

'Not by a long shot you old geezer,' she thought, glaring at him.

"Whatever you have in mind for me to do, I won't do it. I'd rather die." She hissed.

He walked closer to her. "Your will is strong for such a little girl. But tell me, Child of the Forest, if I were to go back to where I found you so defiant, what are the chances I'll find a little white dragon?"

Her eyes widened.

"He'd never endanger himself. He knows better." She argued fiercely but she knew deep down she was also trying to convince herself.

Azulon laughed. It was a deep low laugh that brought chills up her spine.

"Child, you're quivering. Unless you want to see your dragon's head plastered atop my Throne Room I suggest you cooperate."

He was in front of her, leering down at her with dominance and power glinting in his dark eyes.

A low growl reverberated from her chest and her eyes illuminated orange. The steady flames in the hearth shot up with such ferocity it burnt the engraved fire insignia atop it.

But Azulon made no move in defence or offense; he knew he had the vantage point here. He was a calculative man who saw wars and stepped into the threshold of death itself, the young spirit's infuriated reaction did not affect him one bit.

Iroh's words echoed in her head;

'You have to play along with whatever the Fire Lord asks and gain his favour. Only then will it make your escape back to the spirit world easier.'

(Y/N) inhaled and exhaled heavily. Finally she closed her eyes and unclenched her clenched fists. She had to play this out smartly, not as recklessly as she had been doing the past few days since her capture.

When she opened her eyes, they were back to its (E/C) hue.

"Very well. I will comply."

The Fire Lord smirked. "As you should. I'll have the servants and Lady Ursa prepare you. Don't be late."

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