Chapter Twenty: The Perfect Weapon

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This chapter is dedicated to Oreoforever1997 ❤️👑

╔══❖•ೋ° 4 YEARS LATER °ೋ•❖══╗

The scorching sun glared down at a sole island northwest of the Fire Nation's capital. At the center of this tropical island, was a large building. The edges of its roof tiles protruded towards the clear sky; designed like any Fire Nation with the prominent red and black colors that seemed to swallow all forms of light.

Behind the building was a clearing. Whilst the rest of the island had lush green plants and tall shrubs, this area was like a scar; the stones and nearby trees were charcoal black, even though the clearing was large enough for training space to fit fifty fire benders without ever exceeded the border.

A girl sat at the center with her legs crossed in a meditational sitting, the heat of the sun that simmered above the roof tiles didn't seem to faze her at all. Her hair was tied up into a high bun and she wore a simple red top and long pale red pants that tightened just before reaching her ankles. Her shoulder blades and lower back was covered in ugly scars that ran deep into her skin; dark lines that disappeared behind the material of her top.

The silence of the clearing faded into distant murmuring and complaining as twenty men walked out into the clearing. They were all dressed in rags, or whatever red and black clothes they were wearing before they were captured.

The last one of them stumbled out and turned around to yell at one of the guards that shoved him out roughly but he found that the door was slammed shut as soon as he was out.

They searched the clearing for the opponent but all they could see was a small figure at the center of the clearing.

"Is this a joke?" One of them said out loud, perplexed as they all slowly approached the girl.

Sensing a presence, her eyes flickered open. They all stopped walking as she stood up to her full height. As soon as they saw her full appearance lust flashed in their avaricious eyes. They almost thought she was an apparition; her shoulders were toned and slender, her tanned stomach was flat and chiseled with abs giving way to full hips. It wasn't just her body that excited these delinquents, it was also her face, it looked like something carved by spirits; she could've been a mirage.

"Damn, they don't make 'em like that anymore." One of them said hungrily. The rest of them chuckled and grunted, spreading out to get her.

The last one of the bunch didn't say anything at all; he didn't move from his spot either. Whilst he could admit that she was an undeniably stunning woman, there was something off about her. He was too far back to read the expression on her face, but he noticed something that made his blood run cold.

The cement slabs in the clearing was so heated up from the searing sun that when one of the men approaching the girl spat, his saliva was reduced to steam as soon as it hit the floor.

And she was barefooted, with not a sliver of sweat trickling down her body.

He staggered back towards the door, shaking his head rapidly as he pounded on it for them to let him back in; he'd serve his full time it didn't matter to him anymore.

"Shit!" He cussed out.

The girl lazily tilted her head up towards the balcony that overlooked the clearing. She arched an eyebrow in question at the man standing there as if to say 'really?'.

Fang chuckled. Admiral Zhao stepped onto the balcony beside Fang.

"Well she certainly is a beauty to behold, but why the Fire Nation prisoners? Why not use soldiers or trainers?"

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